Which is the best diet for healthy hair.?!

Question: vitamins, minerals or diet. any thing for healthy shiny and long hair. which works fast

Answers: vitamins, minerals or diet. any thing for healthy shiny and long hair. which works fast

Eat right, exercise, reduce stress, rest, gets lots of sleep and your are well on your way to maximizing your hair growth potential.

If you are having any health problems or suffering from any nutritional deficiencies, your hair may stop growing or show damage.

If your body is in good health, you can maximize your genetic growth cycle through taking the proper blend of amino acids and

It is a well known fact that an under active thyroid can result in frizzy or brittle hair while an overactive thyroid turn hair greasy and limp.

The bottom line to this thread is that your hair ultimately reflects the overall condition of your body. If your body is healthy and well nourished, your hair will be your shining glory.

In addition to making lifestyle changes, taking the following supplements every day can boost hair growth for many people:

Vitamin B-complex : 50 mg/day.
Vitamin B-6 : 50 mg/day.
Vitamin C with bioflavonoids: one to two grams daily
Vitamin E :400 to 800 IU daily
Beta-Carotene:10,000 to 15,000 IU of beta-carotene daily
One recommended daily dose of magnesium, sulfur, zinc
Silica (horsetail) : 300 mg daily
Nettle : 250 mg three times daily, or a cup of tea per day.
Flaxseed oil : one tbsp daily or one tablet

There are vitamins available for Hair skin and nails, you will be able to find them in most health food stores, or online. Caution do not us a multi vitamin and the add this vitamin, there would be an overdose on B vitamins and some others as well. Why would they need to work fast? Take them daily and soon you will feel the difference in your hair and nails, and skin as well. Best of luck.....

To avoid hair loss and have good healthy hair, a good nutritional diet is needed. This diet needs to be rich in organic whole foods such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, nuts and seeds.
Some research studies have linked hair loss with the lack of iron, the condition of the skin on the scalp, an excess of the hormone DHT and probably an under active thyroid gland.
The hair, although it is thought of as dead, is a good indicator of general health and it is the first indicator that shows signs of ill health or lack of essential vitamins and minerals within the body. Oily hair can be a sign of vitamin B deficiency, brittle or dry hair can be an indicator of essential fats deficiency, dull hair color and poor growth can be signs of zinc deficiency and hair loss can be an indicator of lack of vitamin C, vitamin B1, iron and lysine
source of vital nutrients needed for healthy hair roots and the protein keratin. Try not to skip meals, reduce salt, sugar, tea, coffee and chocolate intake, avoid stress, comb your hair gently and avoid using strong chemicals on your hair such as perms and color treatments. Vegetarians are prone to hair loss because their diet generally lacks the important nutrients, vitamin B12, iron and lysine. Vegetarians need to be aware of this and supplement their diet.

The following supplements may help if you are suffering from hair loss.

B complex
Evening primrose oil
Fish oil
Multivitamins and multiminerals
Vitamin C

For healthy hair eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, mostly raw and organic if you can get it.

Drink 1/2 your body weight in fluid ounces of water because this keeps you from having dry, brittle hair.

I think everyone should take a daily supplement and certainly your hair and nails will thank you if you do.

I like this product (http://www.LimuPlus.com/287998) because I've seen what it does for many people, including myself.

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