What are the benefits of taking extra Calcium?!

Question: I started taking extra calcium (I take a Multivitam for people over the age of 50) because I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have noticed that it helps me to sleep better as well. Are there any other benefits?

Answers: I started taking extra calcium (I take a Multivitam for people over the age of 50) because I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have noticed that it helps me to sleep better as well. Are there any other benefits?

There is some good information in the answers given, but some incorrect information as well.
There are a few main points to make. First and foremost, your body can only absorb up to 600 mg of Calcium at any given point in time (which is why most multivitamins only have up to 500 mg per dose), so taking more than that in a dose can actually hurt you.
If you take more than your body can absorb, it will NOT all be passed (although some can, not al of it will)... like other minerals, it can build up in your body and can contribute to gall stones, kidney stones, Calcium build-up, and other adverse health concerns.

Another very important thing is to make sure you take other ingredients to help the absorption of the Calcium, which is why most Calcium products also have Vitamin D and/or K, Magnesium, or Boron among other things. Those other ingredients help the absorption of Calcium into your bones.
If your doctor has recommended you take extra Calcium, make sure you know what amounts of the other vitamins/minerals you should take to work with the Calcium.

As long as you take Calcium correctly and with the right synergistic ingredients, Calcium is primarily beneficial for bone health and structure, as well as the health of teeth and nails as has already been mentioned... but just adding Calcium alone (or too much at once) can cause more problems than the minor bone health aspects you may get.

The source of Calcium doesn't matter as much as what you take with it, but Calcium is Calcium. Drinking more milk will put more Calcium in your system, so be mindful of that while you are taking Calcium supplements. I'm not sure what the other person was referring to about "artificial Calcium".... Calcium is processed from natural sources, whether those be mineral, bonemeal, or dairy (which is seldom in a supplement form).

Some people take Calcium and/or Magnesium at night to help relax their body, but with all minerals, you need to make sure you're taking them for the right reason, not just as a sleep aid or something else. Good luck!

stronger bones better nails

You can store calcium in your body for when your older and your bones need it.

Body will only absorb a certain amount..the rest is wasted.
Too much calcium can cause gall stones ( which are made up of calcium) If you are going to up your calcium make sure it is not synthetic. Drink more milk, eat dairy products, etc.

Stronger bone tissue. Decrease in bone disease. Your bone density increases.

No real need to take a lot of extra calcium. Dink milk if you like it, More than likely there is enough calcium in your multivitamin.

when your bones are healthy, your nails and your teeth will benefit. I know I need it now because of my nails.

Not because I'm vain but because my nails are getting easily damaged and it will help them.

Most multi vitamins only have 35-50% of calcium in them. Calcium normally comes in separate tablets because Calcium makes a tablet huge the more that is in it. Who wants a pill thats so big its hard to swallow?

People have shied away from dairy products for so long they probably dont have a history or habit of getting enough calcium. Start having yogurt for breakfast. Thats a great step.

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