3 hour meditation?!

Question: i have heard that there is a 3 hour meditation that when done properly is the same as 12 hours of sleep

Answers: i have heard that there is a 3 hour meditation that when done properly is the same as 12 hours of sleep

20 minutes(meditation) is like 8 hours(sleep). let me be very specific here: the state you need to achieve to be OUT of beta brain wave state. if you are unfamiliar with the brainwave states, contact me. i do not have time to go into it at this moment. and there is a wealth of info available on the net see sites references below!

you dont need 3 hours, however a 3 hour meditation would be fantastic.

see: askwaltstollmd dot com
hypnotherapy-psychotherapy dot com

s, meditation is very powr full...........go and experience it............

Best to do 20 minutes in the morning and 20 in the late afternoon... it doesn't replace sleep since it is a different kind of rest... however, it will improve your life enormously. You will gain by becoming more efficient in you activity.

Do it regularyly and over time you will need less sleep.

I'm sure it is, but can you do the serious amount of meditation required to really count as meditation? After all, three hours with no thoughts in your head is kind of...er...hard...?

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