Can our bodies become immune to vitamins?!

Question: I have been taking the same vitamins for about 6 months now and I am curious if they may stop working. Can my body become immune to the vitamins and should I switch them up occasionally?

Answers: I have been taking the same vitamins for about 6 months now and I am curious if they may stop working. Can my body become immune to the vitamins and should I switch them up occasionally?

Felicia S was the closest to answering your question (and she's right)... you can't become immune to vitamins like you can with drugs.
The #1 reason for that is because vitamins are from food... if you became immune to vitamins, that means you would eventually get no nutrition from the food you eat (which means everyone would eventually starve to death). You'll be perfectly fine taking the same vitamins for the rest of your life (assuming you don't get too much of any of them from your food).

Yes, it is true that the most ideal way to get vitamins is from food, but most people don't have a good enough diet, and that's not what you were asking.

no there is no resistance in the body as there would be for an antibiotic

What happens with vitamins is that your body disposes about 80% of it when you go to the bathroom. And the 20% that is left can be harmful for you if your body does not dispose of it properly when it's finished absorbing everything it can out of it.
If you want to stay healthy and have a high immune system. You need to take something natural that gives the body what it needs to perform better and that does not come in a pill form. That way your stomach gets the chance to fully absorb the nutrients.
I know of something if your interested email me.

it is not necessary to take vitamins as long as you eat well !! and we do not get immune to vitamins ! the only thing that happen is that if you take too many vitamins pils you will loose the excess in your urine !! So, why take to many !!

The answers above are all wrong. There are two types of vitamins, fat soluble and water soluble. Your body will remove about 80 per cent of the water soluble vitamins from your body. Excess amounts of vitamin c (water soluble) can give you Diarrhea. Fat Soluble, (Vitamin A) in large does can harm you.

Nobody eats the required amount of fruits and vegetables to get the necessary vitamins. Taking a vitamins is smart insurance to good health. If you are under 50 and male, take a multi-vitamin. Over 50 you have to watch your iron intake, take something for men.

Vitamins, a vital amino acid grouping, hence the name are the very essential things used to create life, sustain life, and to repair life. The body does not build up an immunity to the life-giving power of vitamins. But all the vitamins, the vital amino acids necessary for our bodies to survive and thrive can be easily derived from the foods we eat, as long as they're not engineered, processed foods. Of course, even processed foods can be infused with vitamins, but the food's general makeup will inhibit the transfer and utilization of those vitamins to a great extent. To this extent, one should never actually NEED to take a supplemental vitamin if she/he is eating correctly, especially vegetables and fruits.

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