Is viagra an over the counter med and is there anything other then this that can work for the same thing?!

Question: or at least in california can i buy viagra or is there any way around it without a prescription or anything like it that can work????

Answers: or at least in california can i buy viagra or is there any way around it without a prescription or anything like it that can work????

Suggest you get the script. Your chances of getting something fake and dangerous are pretty good out on the streets. Your Doctor won't have a problem giving you a sample.

ys go to rite aid they got stuff theere

Nope, it's by prescription only.

In UK we can buy it at a chemist shop, if they do not stock it they will order it for you, sorry do not know any other drug, but sure there will be a few more.

Yes it is an Rx only and there are many others like it, Rx also.

you can buy it the same place my husband gets his cialis, THE-MED-STORE.COM which is a site based in England

have you looked into goji, it increases your labito by 300%, therefore might very well help you out, visit my site at or call me at 514-617-1642 ask for christine or jerry,

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