How are chemical medicines dangerous than natural medicines?!

Question: well first of all....the chemical medicines ..contain synthetic materials basically man made..which is not always excepted by the body....have you heard people getting terrible reactions from medicines?

AND sometimes the chemical medicines can react with each if you take two pills at a time...the reactions can lead to death....

natural medicines usually have a lighter dose but are natural or herbal... these medicines are less likely to cause a reatcion..because the body recagnises these...

have also heard of breast implants get rejected?
yes, thats because the body is simly not compatible with the synthetic material.

Answers: well first of all....the chemical medicines ..contain synthetic materials basically man made..which is not always excepted by the body....have you heard people getting terrible reactions from medicines?

AND sometimes the chemical medicines can react with each if you take two pills at a time...the reactions can lead to death....

natural medicines usually have a lighter dose but are natural or herbal... these medicines are less likely to cause a reatcion..because the body recagnises these...

have also heard of breast implants get rejected?
yes, thats because the body is simly not compatible with the synthetic material.

you mean in the fact that they're actually regulated so you know how much of something someone is actually getting?

or the fact that the modern consumer is too dense to read medications dosaging directions?

A natural product is a chemical compound or substance produced by a living organism - found in nature that usually has a therapeutic activity. as the natural products are produced by living organism so it has low side effects when used on human. But the chemical medicines ar produced in labs and it has more side effects . but every chemical has some side effects when it enter into your body. so it will be wrong to say that natural medicines have no side effects.

actually natural medicines are of high cost, so to make it available to common people the natural med are prepared (synthesized) in labs with chemicals as chemical medicines.

Side this as "other effects" that are dangerous, combining prescriptions can be deadly, and the fact that powerful chemicals not found in nature have no place in your body?

Those are a few reasons..

Ask yourself this you know anybody who is taking several prescription medications who seems healthy?

People who depend on chemical medicines are generally the least healthy people you will meet.

People who use natural remedies generally try to eat healthy and exercise, and take care of themselves better across the board.

Natural medicines are less dangerous because they don't actually do anything. They have no active ingredients and so they are a lower risk for causing harm. Natural doesn't mean harmless though, Arsenic and Cyanide are naturally occurring, and they are plenty bad for your health.

The natural medicines have no side effects and no one added anything on them, while the chemical medicences are natural but were added with chemical things that we will more effected but they have deep side effects in the future.

most natural medicines have little or no active ingredient, so they do less harm. but of course that also means most are not very effective if at all. the natural meds that do work have similar mechanisms/work in similar ways as regular drugs as well as have side effects and drug interactions just like regular drugs. i can count on my fingers the number of commonly marketed herbs that have good strong evidence of working. a lot of conventional drugs that the herbalists hate so much originated as herbs; the active ingredient is then isolated into the drug form or modified to improve oral absoprtion, increase potency, etc. the stuff that remains on the shelfs in the herbal section is the garbage the drug companies didnt think were worth trying to patent

above statements i find funny
"Ask yourself this you know anybody who is taking several prescription medications who seems healthy?

People who depend on chemical medicines are generally the least healthy people you will meet."

uh, why else would they be taking them? they were in good health but decided to do it for fun? if you want to get down to it i bet half of all prescriptons dispensed at a retail level if not more are directly due to peo people having poor lifestyles e.g. fat/bad diet/smoking/etc. if they fixed those things they many would feel better

"the chemical medicences are natural but were added with chemical things that we will more effected but they have deep side effects in the future."
like what? what are some of these chemicals that are added just to make you sicker?

I think our bodies are more capable of recognizing and dealing with natural compounds vs synthetic ones. Also, natural medicines (perhaps somewhat for the reason above) do a better job at helping correct the problem and not just mask the symptoms.

Often, natural medicines are nutrients required by the body or methods used to enhance the body's own functions (acupuncture). The side effects and risk of injury are lower when used as recommended.

Don't be complacent with herbs and supplements. They can have side effects and be dangerous. They can interact with other medications or supplements. Do your research.

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