I'm miserable.got a nasy cold and my throat hurts.I'm diabetic and been eating alot of oranges,chicken soup an!

Question: no better yet.I've got high blood,yes taking pills for it and my nose is running like crazy,takennasal spray,don't help.UG>Any other suggestions beyond sleep that I can't get coughing???

Answers: no better yet.I've got high blood,yes taking pills for it and my nose is running like crazy,takennasal spray,don't help.UG>Any other suggestions beyond sleep that I can't get coughing???

I don't know how bad your diabetes is, but I find honey to be real soothing when I get the coughs. And chamomille tea with sweetener will soothe your throat a little. Drink plenty of caffeeine free tea with lemon---that way you don't have to worry about dietary guidelines bec. you can sweeten it with sweetener. To relieve your runny nose a little, try some vicks, rub it above your lip and on your nose as well as on your temples. My mom used to make a bowl of water--very hot water and had us girls sit there, with a towel hanging from our heads, inhaling the hot steam which she had fortified with vick vaporub. Hope you'll feel better soon....

feed a cold, starve a fever is what Mom said

over the counter guaifenesin to thin the mucus. lots of H2O. Olive leaf extract for antiviral properties. Echinacea for immune support. Zinc (no more than 15mg a day) for anti viral support too.

My mother is diabetic, so I went to the Asian Market and bought her some flu and cold tea bags, and it worked in one to two days. Also, buy yourself some 500 mg pure vitamin C, not the kind from the dollar store. Take 2000 mg per day, and you will feel less pain due to your cold.

My husband is diabetic and takes meds for that and high blood pressure, so I know Walmart has cold medicine specifically for diabetics.(over the counter)

Lemon water (water with as much fresh lemon juice as you can handle) is what I have found to be the best thing for a sore throat and it helps brake up the mucus that is causing the pain. As it has basically no carbs you may have to lower your insulin, unless you run high when you are sick.

Getting out the mucus if the fastest way to get better and stay that way longer.

Good luck!

sounds like you are trying some good things. Add a regular dose of zinc and instead of nose spray try a straight antihistimine like Chlor-trimeton (no decongestant - like most cold remedies have both) and drink more water than ever imagined. Spray lysol everywhere and wash your hands 100 times a day.

Take ginseng pills. It lowers your blood sugar (if you're type 2) and boosts immunity. I swear by it. Drink green tea in the morning and warm tomato soup in the evening.

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