Obama Rally?!

Question: Has anyone ever been to an Obama rally and had a healing experience, like a limp disappear, a cold disappear, or any other kind of sudden healing experience? Or have you thought about going to see if you could be healed from some malady, or maybe you had a sudden vision of some kind.

Answers: Has anyone ever been to an Obama rally and had a healing experience, like a limp disappear, a cold disappear, or any other kind of sudden healing experience? Or have you thought about going to see if you could be healed from some malady, or maybe you had a sudden vision of some kind.

No. But a lot of people try to infer that Obama is some sort of cultic leader. This attack (along with the erroneous idea that he is a muslim) seems to be calculated to arouse the fervor of the religious right so that they will go out and vote - and not stay home because of their tepid support for McCain.

Obama is a good candidate with good ideas, an excellent track record, who communicates very clearly and who is worth serious consideration for the job of president. Nothing more.

I'm uncertain as to your motive for asking this question. Are you asking it sincerely or are you viewing Obama fans as cultists?

I took my young daughter to an Obama rally. She was upset when she didn't get in and started crying. The Obama people took her in and she ended up standing at the place where he came into the arena. She was so moved that she was crying when he entered. I was up at the top and not near her. He let 18,000 people wait while he comforted her. I was impressed.

What is the relationship between politics and healing? You totally lost me?

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