About Nyquil..?!

Question: Hey. If your not sick what would happen if you take nyquil constantly to help you sleep? Is there a difference between liquid nyquil and tablets? How much Nyquil does it take to overdose possible fatal and what does it feel like? thank you.

Answers: Hey. If your not sick what would happen if you take nyquil constantly to help you sleep? Is there a difference between liquid nyquil and tablets? How much Nyquil does it take to overdose possible fatal and what does it feel like? thank you.

Leave the nyqiol alone. It may make you sleepy but it also contains antihistimines and stuff that you don't need. why are you not sleeping? Are you using caffein during the day? Too much sugar? Too much stress? Do you have dogestive problems, weight problems? Do you eat after 7:30 PM?

These things can all cause difficulty sleeping. I would try taking a long slow walk at sometime each day, finish eating before 7:30 PM. reduce caffeine, sugar and alcohol intake and try meditation for about 15 to 20 minutes before bed. Establishing a regular bet time and a night time routine where you stop all activity at least 45 minutes before bed time.

I used Nyquil when I had a cold and couldnt breathe (congestion) and coughed. Its pretty weak and diluted but I guess that if you tke more than one little cup that they give you, you will have stomach problems and such. It depends on you stomach. But I guess that f you do take alot, the worst that can happen is you fall asleep very fast due to the hypnotics in Nyquil

I wouldn't advise this. Try an over the counter med that's designed for sleep instead. I once took half a bottle of Nyquil on a dare and almost died. It was not pretty. I was shaking uncontrollably and it felt like I couldn't regulate my body tempeture, I was freezing cold and it was about 80 degrees out!
This is totally not worth it.

i'm a cold med conniseur... you can drink like 12 oz before it's lethal. start small, and yeah, it's cool to take it every nite. However... the drug that's in it that helps you sleep is the same drug that's in unisom, and other OTC sleeping pills. just take those if you wanna go to sleep. it's safer.

Now replace the word Nyquil with vodka and then take a step back and see where you are. If you need nyquil to sleep you need to talk to a therapist who can properly evaluate your condition.

You're better off taking Benedryl instead because you're just getting the antihistamine (the ingredient that helps you sleep). Tylenol also makes a product called "Simply Sleep" that you can take.

Herbal remedies can work too. Passion flower is a good one if you're looking to stay away from drugs.

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