What is the best natural remedy for ear infections in children?!

Question: My 3 year old son has his second ear infection, we went to the gp and he took amoxycillin. It seemed to clear up, only to return again but much worse this time. His ear is oozing and is a little red. He has no temperature now and seems to be recovering but the ear is still bad.

Answers: My 3 year old son has his second ear infection, we went to the gp and he took amoxycillin. It seemed to clear up, only to return again but much worse this time. His ear is oozing and is a little red. He has no temperature now and seems to be recovering but the ear is still bad.

This may sound strange to some, but if you have access to breast milk, it is one of the best remedies for ear aches and infections. I have used it many times on many different people and it works quickly and very well. I know a little boy who was on antibiotics, had a similar experience as you describe. His mom put breastmilk in his a ear, and after a few times, it was completely fine.
It also works for conjunctivitis, and skin infections.
If you don't have access to any, you could research an herb called Spilanthes. It is a super immune booster, an anti-viral, anti-fungal, and good for reoccuring ear infections.
Also, I use garlic mullein oil, warmed, with a few drops in the ear. I am an herbalist and make my own, but one can buy it in most natural food stores.
Also, you may want to give your son pro-biotics since he has been taking anti-biotics. This will promote healthy growth of intestinal flora, and prevent digestive and other health problems associated with anti-biotic use.

Go back to the doctor and don't muck about with your child's hearing. If they end of deaf they won't thank you for having tried 'natural' remedies!

You've got to take him back to the doc for more antibiotics!! This is very, very painful. If it's oozing, it's probably already ruptured.

yeah take him straight back to the drs,my son was keep getting them and they can be very painful.if you leave it it will only get worse ,best to nip it in the bud.

don`t waste time with natual remedies see your g p a.s.a.p.

You must take him back to the doctor as soon as possible - he may need more antibiotic or a different one to kill the bugs which are causing the infection.

If it comes right back after the medication, then your child is going to need tubes in his ears. My sons did this repeatedly, and usually they dont put tubes in until they are older, but his was so severe, at 8 months, he got tubes, while growing up in school, he could not hear like normal people do, and was saying words as he heard them, which caused a speech problem, they fell out over time, had 3 sets, then finally a different doctor suggested removing his tonsils, anoids and permanent tubes, and he has never had a problem since, and he hears clearly and has no speech impediments anymore.

2 or 3 drops of warm mineral oil into the ear (try to get it BODY temperature), too cold or too hot can cause dizziness.
A warm water bottle against the ear works too, not too hot-WARM WATER.
Use any pain killer for short-term relief.
If after 3 days of antibiotics, you should call the doc if your child is NO better.
Some preventative measures:
Don't smoke around child, babysitter instead of daycare, watch for signs of sinus infections.
Also, when your child sees the doc, ask them to check for FLUID in the ear.
GOOD LUCK, I feel for your child!!! :)

even i had it a few years back. in that situation never consult to any babydoctor else then earspesialist.it is a very soft body part and needs good care. once in a week clear the year gentely and carefully with earbuds.if the year will remain dirty then the infection will soon get permanent. avoid feeding him with sour, fried,and spicy eatables.and when his ear turns into red colour chill him up. thats all i could say
get well soon.(your son)

Insist on having him seen by an ENT specialist at the hospital - this is too precious a thing to faff about with folk remedies which is what happened to me (what the specialist called childhood neglect which went down well with my Ma). The hospital has specialist equipment microscopes and so on. Don't be put off - I have been a matyr to dodgy hearing ever since and I would hate anyone to have to go through all that if it can be easily avoided.

amoxycilin needs to be taken for the duration of the infection, usually 7-10 days (it should say on the bottle), even if the infection seems to be gone. you could also try rubbing chamomile tea in his ear. Only go as deep as you would to clean 3 times a day

The amoxycillin has caused an imbalance at this point that can only be cured by amox. or another antibiotic. This is urgent that you get it treated.

Check Shaklee Products!

In Mexico, they put a little breast milk in the child's ear. Also good for eye infections and many other things

Okay medical gurus. Its pretty much been proven that antibiotics do absolutely nothing for ear infections. Infact that have increased recover time in some studies. Need to know if it is middle or external infection.

cut it off
he doesnt need it

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