Natural alternative to crazy hormones and slow thinking?!

Question: Natural alternative to crazy hormones and slow thinking!?
Around my period it is like my head is in slow motion and I have to think harder!. Is there any natural remedy or tea that will clear my head!?Www@Youqa@Cn

Borage Oil!. It helps with attention deficit, brain fog, breast pain, inflammation in the joints, mood swings, PMS in general!.!.!.balances hormones,,,you may have heard of evening primrose oil for this but borage oil has 3 times the amount of GLA which is the essential fatty acid responsible for what it doesWww@Youqa@Cn

Check this web site there is alot of info on what it helps!. My mom takes some of these natural sup!. and she feels better now!. http://www!.mannapages!.com/braves10/defau!.!.!. , you can also email me at Chipper4MVP19@yahoo!.com if you have any !?Www@Youqa@Cn

you just described the brain fog I have been in since starting menopause!. Aghghghg! If you are older and menopausal, there is something called Remifen that helps!. If you are a youngster, sorry!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Try alfalfa (not in the raw like cows eat) as well as GLA and a good quality B-complex!. There are also other wonderful products out there but these in general are a huge start!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Taking calcium supplements throughout the months is suppose to lessen PMS symptoms including fogginess!.Www@Youqa@Cn


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