Why doen't the FDA redulate herbal remedies?!

Question: Why doen't the FDA redulate herbal remedies!?
I am doing an Independent research project for my chemistry class on the chemical composition of herbal remedies and I needed a conflict/ view point and I noticed that the FDA doesn't regulate herbal remedies!. Why!?Www@Youqa@Cn

I really wanted to answer this question but Tim j gave a great answer!.
Interesting video link below may give you some insight on this debate!. Even if you watch just the first 5 minutes you'll be enlightened!.
Theres an article below as well on the biggest current threat called "Codex"!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Actually, the FDA has wanted to do this for some time!.!.!. Meaning, they very much want the power!.!.!.

Unfortunately for them, however, congress felt otherwise when they passed the DSHEA (Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994)!. The main reason they did this was because the FDA (if they had the power to regulate) would have immediately restricted drugs that have been used effectively for over 1000 years!.!.!.!. That really does not make allot of sense if you think about it!.!.!.

In short, the FDA is not really doing a very good job regulating what drugs they have now!.!.!. The last thing we need to do is give them additional power to regulate herbal supplements that are proven many times to be just as effective, but about 1/100 the cost!.!.!.

Good Luck and I Hope this Helps!.!.!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Why doesn't the FDA regulate carrots!?
No double blind control studies have been conducted to show they are safe or effective for improving health, yet Americans eat them daily!
That seems like a travesty to me, and the FDA should have the power to regulate the consumption of carrots!.Www@Youqa@Cn

The reason the FDA does not regulate them is that they are not held out as the direct cure of a disease as are drugs!. The relationship is generally implied!. It has to do with the labeling!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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