Do you believe the essential oils can help with ailments?!

Question: Do you believe the essential oils can help with ailments!?
I recently started reading about essential oils that were used during Biblical times such as myhrr and hyssup and have starting using them!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Skepdoc doesn't know what he's talking about!. He's very grumpy around here!.

Aromatherapy is powerful and totally works!! I am in a program to become a licensed aromatherapist and what I'm learning is AMAZING!.

Absolutely be careful, some can make you very sick, and must be used in the right ways!. I would call a licensed aromatherapist in your area and schedule an appointment or better yet find your local massage school and take a class to further your education for your own personal home use!.

People have been using essential oils since as early as 8000 bc!. How long has western medicine been around!? a couple hundred years!?!!?! Come on!. I think I see the real "quack" and its not the essential oils and aromatherapists!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Yes they are helpful!. Including Aromatherapy!. They do work!.
What I don't understand is people that think this stuff is hokie!. Where do they think the pharmacuticals come from!? Some magic lab assistant with a magic cuboard of basic chemicals that they mix up and hope help cure things!?
All pharmicuticals are plant, animal and herbal based!. They just manipulate them and chemicalize them so they can patent it and call it a drug!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I will not put my live in the hands of the essential oils!. However, I do believe that essential oils are a great aid to modern medicine!. I use essential oils in lotions and much more but when it comes to the big stuff life changing things i go see my doc!. just use your best judgmentWww@Youqa@Cn

Definitely, there are many essential oils that can be used for ailments!. Each has its own specific purposes!. You can research each online and decide which is appropriate for your specific needs!.Www@Youqa@Cn

No I don't "believe" that because I know for a fact they don't

The Bible, along with not being very good history, science or zoology!.!.!.!.is also not a recommended reference for "health" products!.

It is nothing more than a marketing scam!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Some do!. Lavender oil is calming and helps promote sleep; tea tree oil is good for dry scalp!. I would get a book on oils!. This would tell you all you need to knwo about their uses!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I suggest you read actual scientific studies regarding alternative medicine!. What you're using could be harming you instead of helping you!. Make sure you do lots of research!.Www@Youqa@Cn

No!. Its 2008!. We have proven solutions to ailments!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Fine, additionally linseed oil and incense (Boswellia sacra) powder caps!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I wud lik 2 offer u my essential oils!Www@Youqa@Cn

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