5month old with Ear infection/natural ways to rid it?!

Question: 5month old with Ear infection/natural ways to rid it!?
I dont want my daughter on Antibotics!. She recently had alot of congestion took her to the hospital and they said she was just congested!. 2 days later we make a visit to the doctor and they say she has a severe blood red ear in both ears!. Aka a severe ear infection!. Does anyone know a natural way to get rid of this!. I dont want her on anitbotics!. N e thing natural!?
She is 5months oldWww@Youqa@Cn

Chamomile, rose hips (grind or crush them first) and mullein leaves (equal parts) should help!. Make a tea out of the leaves, but do not boil!. Steep for around 10 minutes!. Do not sweeten!. The adult dosage is 1 cup, 3-4 times daily!. For your baby, around 1/2 cup total throughout the day!.

also, apply Vicks Vapor Rub (not the cream) onto her chest and then apply a warm, clean, dry cloth and pin it to his nightie!.

Massage her feet, specifically her toes as this is the reflexology points to relieve stuffed noses and ears!. Keep her upright as best as possible as lying her down flat in her crib will put pressure on the ear drum and make it more painful!.

Use a massage technique called tapping along her jaw line, collar bone (both ontop of the collar bone and below it) and on either side of her ears, behind her ears and down to the collar bone!. Just tap lightly!. She will probably find this soothing!. You could also tap lightly along her browline and hair line!. All of these areas have lymph nodes that the light tapping will open them up and move the congestion out!. Should work better with the Vicks!.

Find out what caused the ear infection to begin with!. Usually, something caused her to get a stuffed nose, which then backed up into the Eustachian Tube, which in kids and infants in short and straight!. At five months, has she started food yet!? Are you still breastfeeding!? If you are, keep doing it as much and as often as she wants right now!. If she is bottle-fed, then she might be allergic to her formula!. Wash her laundry in scent-free and dye-free detergent and softener!. Avoid scented air-freshners!.

If you have any essential oils, put a dab of lavender on her collar and yours for when she lays her head on your shoulder!. (don't get lavender fragrance oils!. make sure it is Essential Oil, therapeutic grade!.)


All I can tell you is you are messing with your daughter's future!. You need to put her on antibiotics, get it cleared up, then talk to a homeopathic practioner about how to prevent future ear problems and treat them before they get to this level of severity!. What is your objection to antibiotics!? The only reason they have gotten a bad rep is becuase people have misused them, mostly by neglecting to finish the prescribed amount!. I have a daughter who has had life threatening seizures since she was 6 months old!. I have gotten flack over the years for the powerful meds she takes!. I don't like it, either - but it's better than taking a chance that the next one will kill her!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Nothing will get rid of it but antibiotics!. And, if you don't treat it, you run the risk of having a partially deaf baby!. If you still want to be as natural as possible, walk to the doctor's office to get the prescription, and then walk to the pharmacy to fill it!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I cannot believe you do not want to take ur child to the doctor if she has an infection!. Your child needs medicine simple as that!.!. shes only 5 months old!.

**Well you are neglecting your child if u do not take her to the doctor!.!. and if she dies!.!. you can only blame urself!.Www@Youqa@Cn

sorry, I'd swallow my pride on this one and let the Dr!. prescribe antibiotics!. He'll probably give you a prescription for amoxacilan(may be spelled wrong)!. Its a natural base med b/c its a type of fungi but it works wonders for infections!.

for more help try webmd!.comWww@Youqa@Cn

Mince garlic and marinate it in olive oil!. Once the oil has absorbed the oils from the garlic clove(s), pour the oil into your ear and let it sit a while before clean it out with something that won't leave more inside than you took out!.Www@Youqa@Cn

i don't know whether baby will sit still or do it while sleeping but ear candles work so well they originate from American native Indians here in Australia they are made from beeswax and you can get them from good health food stores and even have them done 4 u in salonsWww@Youqa@Cn

take that baby to the Dr!. the pain is horrendous!. and she will cry and let you know about it!.
BEsides hearing loss, that is bad enough!.
get some antibiotics!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Any smokers in the House tell them to quit cause dat's #1 cause of ear infection!.!.Even if they wash,brush dey mouth or breath it's still there!.!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I can't really remember off the top of my head what we used to give our DD, but do you trust giving her Tylenol!?!? That should help with the pain!.!.!.!.what did you do for your other kids!?Www@Youqa@Cn

you might have swimmer's ear , which is permanent and will NEVER go awayWww@Youqa@Cn

try garlic oil!.!.Www@Youqa@Cn

u may visit a local homoeo shop and ask them to give 5 gms!., each of twelve [tissue remedies] biochemic salts, example, kali phos 3x, kali mur 3x, etc!. and mix them well and put it in a glass bottle and give 1 grain to ur child t!.d!.s!.
All these biochemical salts are safe and with side benefits!. Don

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