What is better iodized or regular salt in a enema?!

Question: What is better iodized or regular salt in a enema!?
Both are o!.k but i suggest that you try using seasalt which you can buy in any grocery store, i have used seasalt and it does not get you cramps or pains!.also
you can try baking soda one tablespoon
per quart if your using a enema bag or enema can!.Www@Youqa@Cn

It wouldn't matter!. There's a minimal amount of Iodine for the amount of salt you would put in there, plus your body couldn't absorb enough of that Iodine to matter!. You'd probably get as much or less than a single grain of salt as far as the Iodine content, which is negligible at best!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I'd pick up a box of saline mix, or use sea salt that has no free flow agents mixed in!.

The iodine in table salt won't hurt you, but the anti-caking agents they add to it can be very irritating!.

I made that mistake with my neti pot once,!.!. it burned so bad!.Www@Youqa@Cn

You can seriously harm or kill yourself putting salt in an enema!. Please do not do this!.
WHAT made you want to do it in the first place!?Www@Youqa@Cn

if you are asking what will make you go comfortably with no side effects take Mira LaxWww@Youqa@Cn

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