
Question: Migrains!.!.!.!?
I suffer from Migrains about 3-4 times a month!. I believe they are triggered by my hormones because of when they happen during the month!. I have had a MRI done about 5 years ago and have tryed 8 different RX drugs!. Nothing has worked!. We havent had health insurence for about 2 and 1/2 years so I havent gone back to the Dr!. My insurence is do to kick back in in about two months but the migrains are getting worse!. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to how I can get through the next two months!? I just had a baby 9 months ago and I think they are getting bad agian because my hormones are Flucuating back to normal!. I have taken Excerdrine Migrain but it really dosent work!. Any advice would be great!. Oh, and I tryed Magnesium & a B-100 complex but I couldnt sleep (weird) when I was on them!.Www@Youqa@Cn

There are actually a couple very effective natural products for migraines (without the drugs that can damage your liver over time)!.!.!. they are Butterbur and Feverfew!. They are simple herbs that helps quite a bit for thousands of our customers and even more world-wide!. Butterbur is better for when a migraine hits, and Feverfew is best to prevent the migraine in the first place when you take it on a regular basis!.
I also know a few people that get Chiropractic treatments to help with their migraines and find a lot of benefit from them!. Good luck!Www@Youqa@Cn

Oh man that sucks!. Well you could try acupunture!. I know it sounds creepy, but it works wonders!. And if you've tried almost all the drugs you can get over the counter and they aren't working, its worth a try!.

Otherwise I'd say your out of luck until you visit your doctor!. My friend acutally has to get meds from the hospital when she has them because they are so bad!. They wont let her have them as a perscription, but when she gets a migrain her husband drives her to the doctors and he checks her out and then gives her the meds!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Please, check everything about Xango juice!. You really need it!. I have a friend who suffered migrains very often and since drinking the juice haven

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