Can i buy Accutane over a pharmacy counter?!

Question: Can i buy Accutane over a pharmacy counter!?
No!. You have to have it prescribed by your dermatologist!., who will want to know that you're on oral contraceptives!. Then they will probably do monthly pregnancy tests!.

Accutane works wonders, but it causes very severe birth defects!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I very highly doubt it!. I was once on this medication a very long time ago and it worked wonders!. However, this is a very potent medication that needs to be monitored by your physician!. If you're on this medication it is important to get regular check ups with your doctor!. I had to get my blood drawn once a month as a requirement for this medication since it is very damaging to the liver if taken for an extended period of time!.Www@Youqa@Cn

no accutane is by prescription only!. you have to go to a physician and go through blood tests to confirm you are not pregnant (if you are a girl)!. then they'll make sure you go through the ipledge program online and give you an id number!. you must then take the id to the pharmacy and the prescription to be filled!. then the pharmacy should obtain a date in which you must pick up the prescription after you have filled it as indicated by ipledge!.

i don't know when the last time you've had accutane (or if you've ever had it)!. i also can't recall when they instituted this law, but it's pretty complicated!. the easiest way is to call your doctor and get all the details!. =)Www@Youqa@Cn

Not only is it strictly prescription it has some major side effects and you have to undergo med counseling with your dr EVERY time you get it!.

Your age tells a lot!. Your doctor should be running monthly blood tests on you for many reason but mostly because Accutance causes major birth defects!. So if there is ANY risk of getting pregnant you shouldnt take it!.

It is not designed for normal puberty breakouts or the occasional zit!. It is a heavy duty med for sever acne!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Typically, this drug may only be prescribed by, or under the supervision of, a consultant dermatologist; primarily because isotretinoin therapy is associated with several adverse drug reactions!.Www@Youqa@Cn

no, it's Rx only!.

and the side effects aren't worth it!.Www@Youqa@Cn

No!. It can only be obtained by a dermatologist prescribing it!.Www@Youqa@Cn

no it has to be approved/regulated/prescribed by your dermatologist!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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