Best way to get energetic?!

Question: Best way to get energetic!?
im so tired but im having like the biggest party of the year at my house, and i feel like i dont even want to go to my own party, how do i gain some quick energy!?
note: energy drinks and coffee give me a stomach ache

please no stupid answersWww@Youqa@Cn

Start an exercise program everyday, motion creates motivation!. Walk,Swim,lift small weights, create a garden,
biking,hiking,outdoor activities etc!. Once you start you'll
not want to quit!. Don't over do it,but no pain no gain!.
Eat light foods,salads,fruits,vegees!. Red meat,(beef)
bog you down,because it takes longer to digest!. Try
Fish like Salmon,tuna, any game fish,(bass,catfish bluegill)etc!.
Drink lots of water bottled,or tap is ok, this keeps you
flushed, weigh less,creating more energy!. Remember move
it,or lose it! I hope this helps!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Take vitamins if you don't, and look at the label to see what it has!. Take a B1 pill if it doesn't have any B1 in it, Omega 3's, ect!.

DO NOT overdose!.

Cut the vitamin in half and take one half in the beginning of the day and the other at night so you, as well as the others (unless they're gel, of course)!. Take one full pill a day, eat and drink a full cup of water before you take 1/2 of one, and make sure to take them around the same time each time

also, take cold showers or splash your face with cold water every so often and drink green tea [unsweetened]!.

Go find exercises to work with your schedule, budget, and personality at http://www!.fitnessmagazine!.com/ and do exactly as they say!Www@Youqa@Cn

I drink "oolong tea" from the health food store!. I steep it for a few hours & make it into ice tea!. I use agava to sweeten it (so no false sugar energy) & it works like a charm~after about 1/2 hour I start looking for more work to do! also, found it to be great appetite suppressant (if you need that)!. There's no weird funky stuff like in some energy drinks & it's good for you & it doesn't give me that let down feeling when it wears off either~no instant energy drop :-) try it~you'll like it! Best Wishes!Www@Youqa@Cn

honestly if you cant drink coffee I think the best thing is going for a walk!. Im always to lazy then I finally do it and get re energized!. fresh air does the body good!Www@Youqa@Cn

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