Why did my herbalist do this?!

Question: Why did my herbalist do this!?
My dog was diagnosed with kidney failure this morning!. I took him to our herbalist who saved our other dogs life!.This time she broke open a calcium pill and put his 2 front paws in it and then she did what she called energy healing!. We are trying to reverse the damage to the kidneys, is this on the right track!? I thought i would post this here rather than in dogs, sorry if its wrong!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Very often of late, pets and small children have had kidneys shut down because they walked or crawled over floor cleaned with some very toxic chemicals being put out by Clorox and others!.

Perhaps the herbalist was trying to counter the poison with calcium (alkaline) or using it to absorb what might still be on his paws!. Just a guess!.

I have a friend who saved her cat using homeopathic Uva Ursi!. Same diagnosis and her vet didn't really have a good alternative!. You might look into it or consult a homeopath!. It worked quickly for my friend!.Www@Youqa@Cn

If she is an herbalist, why hasn't she used any herbs yet!? Joe-Pye Weed, wild carrot, corn silk, bearberry, or beech leaves are the herbs that are called for with kidney issues!. A dog or person does not suddenly go into kidney failure for no reason!. What is that reason -- advanced age!? There is no reason to put the paws into powdered calcium as it will not do anything!. In fact, if your dog licks the calcium off his paws, it may make his kidney failure worse, as calcium tends to overload stressed kidneys!.

Not all energy healing is Reiki healing!.

Sometimes too much damage has been done to reverse it!. Sometimes all you can do it manage the symptoms and provide pain relief!.Www@Youqa@Cn

What utter nonsense!!!!.
You need to find a real vet!.

If your dog REALLY has kidney failure (and if the diagnosis was by this quack, I would highly doubt it) then it will die if this is the only "treatment" it is given!.

If your "herbalist" claimed to save your other dogs life with magnets, then there was nothing wrong with it in the first place, and you were scammed!. I suspect you are being scammed again!.

"energy healing" is mystical magical bullshit!.
"magnet healing" is pseudoscientific magical bullshit!.

Seriously!.!.!.see a real vet who actually can give you a proper diagnosis and an actual treatment!. Kidney disease can only be diagnosed by doing blood and urine tests!.Www@Youqa@Cn

LOL!. You REALLY need to find another "healer"!!
What she did is completely, utterly useless (and you obviously already guessed that)!. No amount of "reiki" will repair kidneys that are in failure!. Nor will any herbs!.

PS!. "There are a lot of people like Opus out there who will automatically write off any alternative medicine!.!.!."
There are a lot of smart people like Opus who know most "alternative" medicine is bullsh!#T - just like the nonsense this "herbalist" is doing!.Www@Youqa@Cn

There are a lot of people like Opus out there who will automatically write off any alternative medicine etc!. I do not know if what your herbalist is doing will really work!. It depends on the herbalist!. If she is really good, and you 've had sucsess with her before, then maybe it's worth a shot!. But no guarantees AT ALL!. sometimes stuff like Reikki is acutally effective, sometimes people are full of s**t!. That's the real problem, is knowing which is which!. But do not hesitate to seek another opinion, or another treatment in addition, just disclose all info about the current treatment!.

A western vet might do something Opus considers legitimate and it would still fail!. So, who knows!.Www@Youqa@Cn

if ur asking if what she is doing is right then the energy healing thing is called rikki and its to channel the negative energy out of the body and to smoothen out the rest of the energy to help the healing progressWww@Youqa@Cn

Well, if it worked the first time, I'd just go with it, who knows!Www@Youqa@Cn

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