Best multivitamin supplement for babies?!

Question: Best multivitamin supplement for babies!?
My baby (13 months) had a terrible winter with viruses, colds, flu, etc!. She started daycare in January and was sick for three months solid (so sick we pulled her out of daycare for a month at the doctor's suggestion)!. I'm a big believer in natural / homeopathic remedies and supplements and would like to start her on a multivitamin!. What is the best multivitamin supplement for babies this age!? There are millions out there!Www@Youqa@Cn

First of all, "multivitamin" therapy is neither natural or homeopathic!. ( not "natural" because vitamins are synthesized and manufactured by large multinational corporations!.!.!.I don't have a problem with that, but it isn't what Alties mean when they talk about "natural"!.
Not "homeopathic" because vitamins do actually have a measurable active ingredient )

Second, if your child is getting a balanced diet, and hopefully was breastfed, then there is no need for supplemental vitamins!. That is just hype from the multi billion dollar vitamin industry!.

Third, it sounds like your child just happened to have a bad run of luck this winter, with frequent viral infections!. That happens a lot with kids who are in daycares (or germ factories as I like to call them) I'm guessing you have a bit of "first baby" syndrome, which is natural!. There's good evidence that exposure to a variety of various bugs in childhood does strengthen the immune system!., so don't freak out and put your child in a sterile bubble!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I suggest you reseach Zeolite and find out why this is the best way to maintian health and prevent sickness for anyone at any age on the planet!. Natural Zeolite is safe for babies and mothers who are nursing!. Our vitamin, mineral suppliment, actually builds the body from a core genetic level!. Our entire family has stayed completely well for three seasons now on these revolutionary ALL NATURAL health products!. I feel better in my 40's than I did when I was a child, mainly because I do not have heavy metals in my body due to the Zeolite!. Our Natural Cellular Defense (Natural Zeolite) has a GRAS (SAFE) rating with the FDA!. All of our products are clinically prooven to do what they are intended to do, which makes this the most valuable and ethical company on the planet today!. Health is eveything, and we have it now! Everyday! Please go to the following sounces and have fun educating yourself further!. Health and Happiness to you and your family, Liz!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I agree with NLuv

My pediatrician told me that my son didn't need vitamins!. Yes, he had his battles with the flu & colds (ie!.!.!.!.allergies caused most of it & any kid in daycare is going to be sick!. That's a given!) but they are probably getting most of what they need from food/milk!.Www@Youqa@Cn

You should talk to your doctor first!. Though they are "natural" doesn't mean they are safe!. Chances are she is getting her needed vitamins from her diet!. Giving her a multivitamin can be harmful!. There are many vitamins that can be toxic if given in large amounts!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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