How much omega 3 fatty acid do i need? ie what/how much do i have to eat per week to get it? thanks ppl :)?!

Question: How much omega 3 fatty acid do i need!? ie what/how much do i have to eat per week to get it!? thanks ppl :)!?
you need 1500 mg of omega 3/day for an average person!. people w/ inflammatory problems like RA, lupus, psoriasis, or heart disease, high cholesterol can take up to 3000 mg / day!.
in order to get that much you'd need to have fish for breakfast, lunch & dinner every day!. (yuk)
cold water fish, almonds, walnuts etc all have omega 3s, but if you really want therapeutic levels you have to take it in pill or liquid form!.

i recommend this to my patients regularly- i'm a chiropractorWww@Youqa@Cn

The best sources of omega 3 fatty acids are Alaskan wild salmon, flax seeds, and walnuts!.

A couple of servings of fish a week should do it, or you can do what I do which is just add 1-3 tablespoons of freshly ground flaxseeds to a smoothie each morning!.

This is a recent article I read on omega 3 oils that should help you decide which form of the omega 3 oils you need:


I take it for my ADHD and depression so I try to dose it up a bit higher than what an average person would need as the fats surround your neurons in the form of myelin sheaths that speeds the conduction system of your brain!. The fats in salmon are already converted to the docosahexanoic acid and eicospenaenoic acids that our body needs!. If you are deficient in minerals like zinc, selenium and some B-vitamins you may have a hard time converting the vegetarian source and be best using fish oil rather than flax!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Don't forget to have walnuts!. They are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids!. Unlike some of the fishes, they are not contaminated and are excellent for snacking!. These are available in your local grocery store typically in the nuts or baking section!.

I believe having a handful of walnuts every day should be sufficient to meet the RDA!. There are a ton of articles in the internet on this!. Here's one:


I've heard that 13 almonds a day provides the exact amount of omega 3 fatty acids you need per day!. That's when the almonds are just plain, no salt or anything!Www@Youqa@Cn

About two Filet-O-Fish a week should do it!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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