How do diet pills actually work?!

Question: How do diet pills actually work!?
How do diet pills work or does its job when it goes into our bodies, to make us "lose" weight!? Are there side effects and is it harmful to our bodies!? It sounds to good to be true because by just taking a pill and losing weight from it!.Www@Youqa@Cn

ephedra used to work before they pulled it from the market because it was essentially speed so it gave you a lot of energy and boosted your metabolism and made you not hungry!. But it caused a lot of heart problems in people!.

the new fat-blocker alli works by blocking fat, but that means that if you eat too much, your poop is so oily that you have anal leakage!. which is disgusting and embarassing!.

and all the other crap on the market is just that!.!.!.crap that doesn't work!. the only way it works is through the placebo effect and the power of postive thinking!. they're basically a multivitamin and a caffeine pill!.Www@Youqa@Cn

They don't, they make your "feel Full" and you temporarily lose weight but then you stop taking them and you are starving (see the problem) or you take the ones that "amp" you and "increase your metabolism" basically it is speed and that damages your liver and thyroid!. Don't mess with diet pills they are dangerous and have side effects that range from headache, anal leakage to death (really)!. It is far better to modify your diet and improve your exercise plan!. You can get a free diet evaluation and recommendation at www!.mypryamid!.gov and review the 7 most effective exercises from Web MD: http://www!.webmd!.com/fitness-exercise/gu!.!.!. Good Luck!Www@Youqa@Cn

I took Phentermine and lost 50 lbs!. Phentermine is in the amphetamine family and it works by increasing your metabolism and shutting down the appetite center in your brain!. Lots of people lose weight on Phentermine only to gain it all back plus some when they stop taking it!. One has to realize that while it's a quick fix it will be a lifetime battle to keep the weight off (which is what I am working on doing and have so far been successful)!.
Phentermine is safe if it is taken as directed and supervised by a physician!. It becomes dangerous when one takes more than directed and ignores signs they are not tolerating it!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Diet pills rarely live up to their advertising hype!. Mostly a waste of money!. The otc pills probably have a placebo effect for a few weeks for some people!. And many will tend to hype you up a little, sorta like 2 or 3 cups of coffee!.

The prescription pills have a better chance of actually suppressing appetite(phentermine) or reducing fat adsorption(orlistat) than the otc meds!. But, they all have potentially serious side effects and are best, a temporary help!. You still gotta modify your eating habits and exercise!.

The only long term solution to weight control is a lifestyle change!. Good nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction!.

Good luck!.Www@Youqa@Cn

most of the over the counter ones dont work (except Alli)!. Alli basically keeps your body from absorbing fats (which also gives many people diarreha)!. most of the prescription diet pills are basically stimulants, just makes you feel less hungry (for awhile you get tolerance to the effect) and you use more energy!. they tend to raise blood pressure, and a small number of people have serious psychiatric reactions to them!. both prescription and nonprescription diet pills arent that effective!. you usually have an expectation of maybe 5 to 20lbs per year of use for alli and prescription diet pills, and probably less for most of the other non-prescription garbage which are often just multivitamins with some herbs and/or caffeine and a very large price tagWww@Youqa@Cn

diet pills work by 1st-they have caffeine to give you energy
2 have a chemical that makes you have to go to the bathroom(#2)
3!. they send false messages to the brain saing "im not hungry"

if you googles "death from diet pills" you would be suprised and scared

i wouldnt take diet pills!.!.if you needed a LAST resot there is onl 1 diet pill that is FDA approved and its ALLI ( i kniw its pretty crazy that out of all the dit pills out there only 1 is FDA APPROVED!)Www@Youqa@Cn

Whenever you are trying to lose weight, you should concentrate on these three things which all work together in providing a healthier and quicker weight loss goal for yourself!. I have found this combination really successful in my weight loss plans!. The first thing is exercising and how much you can put forth into it!. The more you exercise, the more results you will see!. The next thing is dieting and the calorie intake!. If you exercise more, technically you could eat more!? Always watch what you eat!.

Now the last step in a good weight loss plan is always a good diet pill that can help you get to the end of the road!. I have found Proactol which is a natural herbal diet pill to be the best around!. It's an appetite suppressant along with being a fat blocker which stops up to 28% of fat you eat!. Read up about it at TheWeightLossPlace!.com where I saved money on it!. Proactol really works well with exercising which gives you plenty of energy to perform!. Along with that your diet will be affected by Proactol due to the appetite suppressant and fat blocker!. If you slip up on meals, the fat blocker kicks in!. It's really great to stop food cravings!.

Concentrate on those three things and the combination is deadly for the fat cells in your body!. Good luck and I hope this helps!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Over the counter diet pills are full of anti-histamine!. And they do seem to work for a couple days because they screw up the rhythm of your stomach!. Your stomach has something to think about rather than be hungry!. But that fortunate effect only lasts a short time!.

They probably won't hurt you long run - but they probably don't work either!. Too bad, hu!? If anybody ever figures out a real diet pill he won't have time to count the money he makes!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Try the Wu-Yi Diet: http://WuYiTeaDiet!.info

It's a Chinese tea based diet and has helped me lose 8 lbs!. in the past 2 weeks!.Www@Youqa@Cn

If they worked, then everybody would be thin by now!.Www@Youqa@Cn

diet pills don't work instead they give you more bad stuff!. the best way to lose wait is activity and dietWww@Youqa@Cn

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