Certain vitamins may shorten lifespan ??? True or False ???!

Question: Certain vitamins may shorten lifespan !?!?!? True or False !?!?!?
What do you think of the rebuttal to allegations that certain vitamins may shorten lifespan that you can find in http://www!.lifeextensionvitamins!.com!./04!.!.!. !?Www@Youqa@Cn

True, vitamin A is toxic!.
The standard dose of 10,000 iu in a one a day vitamin is to high, should be 5,000 iu!.
There maybe other vitamins and minerals that are toxic and a chronic over dose will shorten your life span!. Under consumption of vitamins and minerals will also shorten your life span!.
It is a crime that this issue has not been resolved through research!. The vitamin/mineral supplement was developed during WW2!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Well what I read these people were in the nursing home! They are old or have really bad health!. I want you to go look at thymic formula and read about it because i had hep c and b and do not have it anymore because i built up my immune system and when you build up your immune system your body can heal!. And it has A and E in it !.Www@Youqa@Cn

I don't think the study is accurate!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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