Does anyone else have adrenal fatigue? If you do what have you done to help yourself?!

Question: Does anyone else have adrenal fatigue!? If you do what have you done to help yourself!?
I am taking ashwagandha it is slowly working I have some better days!. Just want to hear some of your suggestions!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Nutricology's Adrenal Cortex organic glandular is #1 recommendation for anyone suffering from adrenal fatigue!. The results should be near immediate if you truly are having adrenal issues!. 1 a day is suitable for most, some may want to do 2 a day, but just start with 1!. I have both personal experience with it, and have heard great testimonials from others who have taken the product - that is how I learned about it!.

You can get more info about it here: http://www!.iherb!.com (not affiliated)!. They also have the best price I have found so far!. But, you may be able to find it cheaper elsewhere if you look!. It really isn't all that pricey for the difference it makes!.

Best health to you!Www@Youqa@Cn

I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue (adrenal insufficiency) via a saliva test from Diagnos-Techs, Inc!., Clinical Research Laboratory out of Kent, WA!.

Because of my compromised health for many years, and finally working my way out, I decided to create a website to share what helped me get well again!. The website I have created is the website I wished I would have found when I was desperately trying to get well again!.

You can go to http://www!.healthbanquet!.com/adrenal-fat!.!.!. to read all the steps I took to regain my health!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Finding a doctor who will give you low dose cortisone treatment is good, but they are hard to find!.

Try the chronic fatigue group over at

NADh, Licorice, coq10, acetyl l carnitine, d-ribose, b12, lots of anti oxidants like grapeseed!.

You can get isocort on the internet!. It's ground animal glands, much like people use Armour thyroid!.Www@Youqa@Cn

"adrenal fatigue"!?
No such thing!.!.!.!.sounds like a bogus Altie diagnosis!. I'll bet there's a product they will sell you to treat it though!.

Do you mean Addison's disease, or Cushing's disease!? If so ask again, and I will give you an evidence based answer!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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