By what method do eucalyptus cough drops work when a candy will not?!

Question: By what method do eucalyptus cough drops work when a candy will not.?
1) In classical herbology, eucalyptus is classed as dispersing, clarifying, antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial, cooling, stimulating, able to break up catarrh, phlegm and mucous.. It also possess an extreme ability to draw moisture out of both soil and the body.. It's medicinal actions and uses are as follows:

"---Medicinal Action and Uses---Stimulant, antiseptic, aromatic..

The medicinal Eucalyptus Oil is probably the most powerful antiseptic of its class, especially when it is old, as ozone is formed in it on exposure to the air.. It has decided disinfectant action, destroying the lower forms of life.. Internally, it has the typical actions of a volatile oil in a marked degree..

Eucalyptus Oil is used as a stimulant and antiseptic gargle.. Locally applied, it impairs sensibility.. It increases cardiac action..

Its antiseptic properties confer some antimalarial action, though it cannot take the place of Cinchona..

An emulsion made by shaking up equal parts of the oil and powdered gum-arabic with water has been used as a urethral injection, and has also been given internally in drachm doses in pulmonary tuberculosis and other microbic diseases of the lungs and bronchitis..

In croup and spasmodic throat troubles, the oil may be freely applied externally..

The oil is an ingredient of 'catheder oil,' used for sterilizing and lubricating urethral catheters..

In large doses, it acts as an irritant to the kidneys, by which it is largely excreted, and as a marked nervous depressant ultimately arresting respiration by its action on the medullary centre..

For some years Eucalyptus-chloroform was employed as one of the remedies in the tropics for hookworm, but it has now been almost universally abandoned as an inefficient anthelmintic, Chenopodium Oil having become the recognized remedy..

In veterinary practice, Eucalyptus Oil is administered to horses in influenza, to dogs in distemper, to all animals in septicaemia.. It is also used for parasitic skin affections.."

It's qualities are very similar to camphor, pine, cedarwood, sage, cajeput, many of the ingredients in Olbas Herbal Oil which is famous for its use and effectiveness in treating upper respiratory, bronchial, chest and ear/nose/throat ailments, and all of which plants and their properties are EXTREMELY well-known to herbalists, botanists, and medical professionals.. Remember also that over 60% of the United States Pharmacopeia is botanical in origin..

So the answers to your question are these: "By its drying, antiseptic, mucous cutting (demulcent) effects, of which mere sugar based candies have none, that's how.." In TCM, sugar actually increases the yin (dark, wet--especially, mucousy (sometimes.. Mucous can be yang in origin, as well..) constituents of the body.. This is to say while sugar may feel good on the throat, it can actually worsen the cough in a body because it acts to increase moisture and septic conditions and to immediately and deeply depress the functioning of the immune system.. Read Sugar Blues by William Dufty.. Amazing book..)Health Question & Answer

It's easy to explain.. You take the bag and shove it down the throat of the person who's coughing and keeping you awake!
Maybe not the answer you were looking for but it works..Health Question & Answer

Eucalyptus has a cooling effect that soothes the sorethroat..Candy is just sugar..Health Question & Answer

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