Why do Doctors deny that Candida Ovegrowth is a medical condition?!

Question: Why do Doctors deny that Candida Ovegrowth is a medical condition.?
What do doctors believe about candida albicans, what is their theory.?, i know they accept oral/vaginal thrush, and yeast infections on the skin.. Do doctors accept that candida overgrowth is caused by antibiotics, the pill, or stress.?

When i went to see my doctor she said it was nonsense, and that i should not believe what is written on websites about candida.. She said only if i have HIV or cancer {thus a weak immune system} she would prescribe the Nystatin
Why do doctors deny candida overgrowth, candida albicans has been shown to produce alcohol and 70 other toxins in one Japanese study.. Is is not plausable then that these toxins enter the bloodstream and cause the patient mental and physical problems.?
What possible reason could there be for doctors to ignore this.? after all the pharmaceutical cartel and medical establishment can make alot of money from increased antifungal medication sales.. I cannot arrive at a reason why this is so, nor any website on candida mentions this issueHealth Question & Answer

What a great question..

The answer is interesting and sad.. It has to do with the pharmaceutical companies.. If they used antifungals they would cure your candida and they have found that they can make more money if they dont cure your diseases.. They have actually admitted that they are not interested in curing diseases, but instead they want to "manage" diseases or at least manage the symptoms of diseases.. For example, if you have high blood pressure, they dont cure it, they manage it with medication.. Stop taking the medication and your blood pressure would go back up.. So with candida, it causes a whole host of symptoms, which they can then prescribe you many different medication for longer periods of time.. Candida can cause depression for example, so they can sell you an antidep for years and years if not your whole life..
It is sad that they are this hell bent on profits at the risk of your health..
Your doctor is kept out of the loop in this agenda and is none the wiser, as big pharma doesnt tell doctors this, they just tell them to prescribe certain things for certain symptoms.. Big pharma is really in charge, not the doctors.. Doctors are trained, meaning doctors are taught what to think and believe, they do not make decisions on their own.. So they just tell you what they have been told..

You can find doctors that do understand candida if you look for them..

I went through the same thing you are experiencing..
In an ironic twist, it actually worked out better that doctors didnt understand how to fix it, because it forced me to take my health into my own hands..

After alot of research it turns out that I didnt need my doctor to fix my candida, in fact pharma drugs are not the best approach and there are plenty of things you can buy and use that work better..Health Question & Answer

I don't have any idea about your problem.. However, I came across a blog about yeast infection.. Hope you find your answer there..

Resources for Yeast Infection Causes, Cures, Symptoms, Treatment, Remedies:
.blogspot..com" rel="nofollow">http://yeast-infection-guide..blogspot..co......

:)Health Question & Answer

The pharma found out long time ago, that Candida is of no profit to them.. The type of medication used usually works only for the first time.. After that the Candida will develop an immunity against it.. We must rely on the natural supplements to successfully destroy the Candida Plague.. People do underestimate the danger if this disease.. It builds in their bodies for years, before actually showing and takes a long time to get it cured.. It is the cause of many permanent inflammations in the human body, silent and dangerous..Health Question & Answer

By avoiding the truth .......... ie ~ that she doesn't know the answer .................... she can continue to ply you with medications that will only temporarily bandaid the situation at best and cause a whole host of other symptoms which need to be "cured" .............. if you are told by your Doctor how to resolve candida overgrowth then you will then have no more use for her .................. naa, that's a bit cynical but in typical allopathic fashion, they cure only the symptoms and not resolve the ailment from the source .......................... in this case you need to avoid all yeast and sugar products .................. sugar will literally feed the yeast overgrowth allowing it to flourish.................. ditch the alcohol and sodas and diet sodas too if you drink any .................... antiobiotics, especially broad - spectrum antiobiotics will also kill the helpful bacteria which you need for a healthy gut ................ supplement with a good quality probiotic to rebalance gut flora .................. eat more alkaline forming foods such as leafy and green vegies, cold water fishes such as tuna, salmon, sardines and whiting, organic nuts and seeds such as almonds and brazil nuts................ all these foods are rich in magnesium and will thus encourage the production of hydrochloric acid in your tummy aiding in digestion and effective elimination ................ eat organic brown rice and quinoa (prounounced keen ~ wah) as they are both a rich source of the B complex of vitamins and will provide you with the carbs you need for sustained energy and the quinoa is also rich in calcium and iron .................... Avoid sugars such as honey, molasses, fructose, maltose, lactose and fruit juices ............ avoid artificial sweetners and foods containing brewer's yeast - ie - alcohol such as beer, wine, brandy, whiskey, rum, ciders and root beer........ avoid baker's yeast ie ~ breads and rolls and pastries ........ avoid mushrooms ...... avoid fruits and vegies with any sign of mold growth on them ........ avoid fermented beverages and condiments including mayonnaise, ketchup, pickled vegies and pickles, salad dressings (use lemon and olive oil instead), soy sauce and vinegar ........ avoid all types of hard cheeses which are a pretty good source of mold........ avoid processed and smoked meats and fish, including hot dogs, sausages, luncheon meats etc.............. these meats are processed with sugar, spices, yeast and other preservatives ........ avoid canned bottled or frozen fruit and vegie juices cos they have loads of sugar and are commonly made from overripened or damaged produce; generally the skin of the fruit contains surface mold and rotten spots, which are pulverised into the juice...... avoid dried fruits........ avoid coffee & tea as much as you can as caffeine will aggravate yeast overgrowth.......................................... you don't need to use medications to kill a yeast overgrowth .......... simply eliminate their food source and they will disappear on their own ............ if you normalise the bacterial flora in the gastrointestinal tract you will feel much better and in most cases won't need drugs ?

peace 2 uHealth Question & Answer

I had a friend who "felt sh**ty" and noticed her health (and mind) was gradually deteriorating for a while, and repeatedly went to her doctor who told her there was nothing wrong with her (after they did some tests and couldn't find anything), and that it was all in her head etc..
At some point, she was hanging out with my at my school's holistic health library, and grabbed a book that said "yeast infections" on the cover, since she noticed she'd gotten a yeast rash a bit earlier which matched it.. As she read the book, her eyes lit up, and she said "I have Candida, it matches every symptom, I even got it after my doctor prescribed me a lot of antibiotics for a cold.." (interestingly I found the fungus eventually gets in your brain and changes your personality, which actually happened with her!)
She went back to her doctor who said she was an idiot and the condition was an urban legend.. She went and tried some of the diet stuff (no sugar, eat probiotics etc) suggested for candida, without much success (symptoms improved a bit temporarily)..
So, she called me up and asked what I'd advise to do (random people come to me with health problems a lot).. At about that time, I had just read a book on oxygen therapies and one part said "systemic candida is really difficult to cure, even with alternative methods, but hydrogen peroxide tends to produce results.." I said uh......according to this book drinking peroxide might work (in it they advised intravenous injections not drinking), I have some wanna try it.?
She said "I think that's stupid and won't work, but nothing else has so I'll do it for a few days.." Long story short it made tremendous difference, but we eventually figured out at least with the drinking root, you have to eventually switch to probiotics (kefir for her specifically) to finish the job once the H2O2 had killed off most of the candida.. Since then we've done that for two other people with equal results.. IV might be better, but I don't like invasive approaches, especially outside of clinical settings..

So, from that story, I think I can essentially say most of the reasons I think modern medicine avoids candida..
1) Antibiotcs are zealously overprescribed (including for viruses where they don't even do anything).. Since they are a patentable effective agent that was created by allopathy, they're a holy grail for modern medicine and effective used as a panecea.. Candida is one of the main complications of this stupid approach, so by denying it you can continue supporting antibiotics..
2) Candida is difficult to treat..
3) Candida can sometimes match the symptoms of other conditions, so it's hard to diagnose..
4) No one is really taught about it in medical school..
5) Candida patients suffer from chronic ailments which become a cash cow for modern medicine..
6) Most of the approaches which work for candida, require adopting some of alternative health approaches which allopathy so fervantly fights against (ie.. eat a good diet!), so in a lot of ways it's too their advantage to ignore it..

Despite that, I do find it awfully strange that doctors keep on saying the condition doesn't exist and it's an altie myth.. I'm not a clinician, and I'm sure I see a fraction of the people who any GP gets coming to him with health problems, but I've already met multiple people who thought (and had candida), along with the symptoms, so it's got to have happened a lot more for a doctor......and you can't really deny something you see over and over existing..

So, long story short, hope that helps, but truthfully it's a bit of a puzzle and I'm not really sure why.. The antibiotic explanation seems the best, but it still doesn't really explain the matter..Health Question & Answer

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