Herbs for hormone imbalance?!

Question: Herbs for hormone imbalance.?
I currently suffer from mild acne, oily skin and continuous lower abdominal pain on my left side which feels exactly like period pain but is there all the time..

I believe that all these problems are linked to a hormone imbalance, what sort of herbs could help with this and why.?

I have already tried agnus castus, red clover and raspberry leaf so please dont suggest these..

I have been to my doctor about this and they are at a complete loss as to the cause..

Any help will be much appreciatedHealth Question & Answer

Well, the most popular natural products for hormone support would be Dong Quai, Black Cohosh, Vitex (also called Chasteberry), Wild Yam, Damiana Leaf, Motherwort, GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid, commonly in Borage Oil and Evening Primrose Oil), and some Soy germ products..

There are many women world-wide that use any combination of these to help with various issues revolving around menstruation and even into menopause..
Now, as far as the pain in your side...... you should talk to a doctor about that.. A hormone imbalance shouldn't cause anything like that, but it could be as simple as muscle spasms or as severe as kidney or appendix problems...... it's better to be safe than sorry.. Good luck!

[edit]: Yes, I read that you've been to a doctor and I apologize if I didn't clarify my statement...... I meant you should talk to a specialist.. Constant pain in the side is very unusual and should be checked out to find the source (even if it's a simple pinched nerve)..
If you've seen a specialist, I would ask if you've seen a Chiropractor yet.. I know my Chiropractor has worked on various tissues in my body (aside from the joints), and the pains I've had have been relieved by removing the source of the problem..
The best way I've ever heard it put is that "pain is your body's way of saying that something is wrong"........ that's why I'm saying you should check it out.. Again, I wish you good luck in your search!Health Question & Answer

Have you tried to get an appointment with an acupuncturist.? I'm currently seeing one and on my initial visit she recommended diet/exercise and herbs/vitamins for me to take.. She's been brilliant and what she recommended really helped me.. A website I've used to by things has been Health Span - perhaps you could take a look on that and see if you can find anything.. Another alternative is a Chinese Herbalist/Dr.. Good luck..Health Question & Answer

I would try a probiotic supplement and start your day with a cup of hot ginger tea..
It sounds more like a yeast imbalance than a hormone imabalance to me.. The ginger tea will get your blood flowing to flush out toxins and will help ease cramping as it's an antiinflamamtory.. The probiotic supplement will fill your gut up with good bacteria to fight off yeasts..Health Question & Answer


Do your research- My sister has PCOS and it helped bring her period back to normal, she stopped getting skin tags and she also lost weight because her hormones were balanced after taking Vitex..

I strongly recommend this herb.. It has been used for centuries to cure all hormonal ailments in women with no known side effects..Health Question & Answer

I would try an acupuncurtist that deals with chinese medicine (herbs) I have had nothing but success with several issues, that could only be resolved in this manner......ck out acupuncture page under natural healing and there is a acupuncture finder at the bottom of that page put in your zip find an acupuncturist that uses chinese herbs....you dont have to have the needles to take the herbs......much well being
robin@peaceful-organic-planet dot comHealth Question & Answer

Someone asked the same question at another site.. The answer is interesting, and suggests a couple of possibilities that you haven't listed, Tea Tree Oil and Echinacea..
.steadyhealth..com/Herbs_for_Hormone_Imbalance_t70481..html" rel="nofollow">http://www..steadyhealth..com/Herbs_for_Ho......Health Question & Answer

a second vote for dong qui and oil of evening primrose tooHealth Question & Answer

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