What's the best disinfectant I can use that isn't a chemically produced thing?!

Question: What's the best disinfectant I can use that isn't a chemically produced thing.?
I often have cat scratches and things, and we all know how dirty a cat's claws can be, what can I use to clean it, I dislike using Savlon/Dettol type of stuff.......?Health Question & Answer

There are a few herbs you can use.. As many have pointed out, tea tree oil, that's always a good one..
If you don't have that, as someone pointed out, lavender is also a good one even though it has less antiseptic properties than tea tree oil..
You would most likely have thyme in your herb collection for cooking, you can make a deconcoction from that - before I found tea tree oil I only used that since it's also got immense anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties..

Toss the herbs (dried or fresh) into a cup and make a "tea" but don't strain..
When it's just too hot for you to use comfortably, take some cotton wool and dip into it, then onto the wound, opening up the wound of possible.. (try to not get any of the herb inside the wound tho).. When that has cooled, do it again..
And again
And again......until the cup you are working from has cooled..
If it's a finger dip the finger into the deconcoction, and yes, it'll be just too hot for you to do that, but the very high heat also helps cleanse it..
When you have nothing stated above you can even use mint in the same way..
Good luck!Health Question & Answer

You can use an iodine solution (betadine etc) which doesn't sting and is surgery-grade stuff.. Easy to buy from chemists, too..

If you're looking for something else, see if you can get a solution of clohexidine (which is savlon) but you can get it diluted to a sloution which you may find more bareable..

There are others - aciclovir, mupirocin...... but they are more expensive and usually for more serious wounds..

In the hospital it is policy to use clorhexidine solution on any wound to clean it as it is the most safe/effective.. Nothing else (non-chemical) will do the trick..Health Question & Answer

Lavender man, make sure it's quality essential oil Like Young Living Essential Oils.. Lavender was founded on it's properties to heal and disinfect .. I promise that a true quality Lavender will take care of any skin condition.. Tea tree is nice as well, Lavender E..O.. is what i got in my firstaid kit.. Good Luck..Health Question & Answer

I always use hydrogen peroxide.. Its both safe and very effective.. I've never had a cut get infected when using Hydrogen peroxide.. Tea tree oil, lavender essential oil, neem oil and lemon oil are fantastic as well but way pricier.. I buy my hydrogen peroxide from the dollar store..Health Question & Answer

I often recommend a 50:50 mixture of hydrogen peroxide 30 volume and water.. If you use the hydrogen peroxide 30 volume undiluted, it will work but it will bleach your skin.. You could also use a 70% isopropyl alcohol, but it will sting..Health Question & Answer

Soap and water is the best stuff you can use.. The only time you need to be concerned is if the scratch becomes infected..

I have two cats and have never had to use anything other than soap and water..Health Question & Answer

that isn't a chemically produced thing.?.? Uhmm tea trea oil is 100% all natural and is amazing for disinfecting properties, its good to keep around because it helps with just about everything :-)Health Question & Answer

Natural non-chemical biodegradable soap..Health Question & Answer

.melaleuca..com/" rel="nofollow">http://www..melaleuca..com/ - For all your wellness needs..
But if you don't feel like ordering from there, find some tea tree oil from you nearest whole foods store (or similar), it will do the job..Health Question & Answer

Have you tried tea tree oil.?Health Question & Answer

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