What's your opinion on medical marijuana?!

Question: What's your opinion on medical marijuana.?
Do you think it should be legal or not and why.? Do you think the health benefits are good/bad and why.? If you live in a place where it is legal, like California, do you agree with it being legal.?Health Question & Answer

1.. The Emperor Wears No Clothes, and In Pot We Trust, two things you need to look up if you truly want to know the answer to this question..

2..Legalization would obviously destroy the black market, anyone who passed at least grade 10 business class would know that.. So please ignore the retarded claims made by the people above..

3.. The amount of marijuana it takes to relieve medical symptoms is about 1/5th the amount stoners use to get blitzed.. Once again, they DO NOT GET HIGH.. Especially if they eat it, since the absorbtion is slow and smooth like any medication taken orally.. The only difference is they have to use it frequently throughout the day, since marijauna doesnt last very long..

4.. If you are dying of a disease, I believe you should be given anything you want to relieve the pain.. There is no reason to make people suffer through their last years just because you are afraid of a little plant.. Parents shouldnt witness their kids dying of leukemia.. They should "live with" leukemia.. Your grandparents shouldnt be sitting in a hospital or an old age home because they can't move anymore.. Nobody should be filling their bodies with crazy chemical pharmacy drugs with a grocery list of side effects, just to cure a little stomach ache or muscle pain.. Its just a plant.. Everything comes from a plant.. There are thousands of plants that get people incredibly more stoned, but the media doesnt talk about them.. Marijuana is in the spotlight because it is everything we need to fix this society, but at the same time has amazing psychoactive properties.. This really messes with the public, no doubt..

I could go on and on but I think I made my point..Health Question & Answer

You are confusing "medical marijuana" with "legalisation of marijuana"

I'm in favour of legalising marijuana, and all illegal drugs for that matter.. It is a much safer drug than legal alcohol or legal tobacco.. It is just a plant, and the "war on drugs" is just ideology......it isn't based on science or common sense.. The war on drugs has created a criminal class..

Medical marijuana is a different issue.. It certainly does seem to have useful properties for a few conditions.. (Nausea in chemo patients, wasting in HIV patients etc) It has a lot more promoted uses than actual confirmed uses however.. I'm also not sure that in most cases it is superior to existing therapies.. also, inhalation is not really a good delivery vehicle, but Marinol doesn't seem to have the same effect as inhaled cannabis.. We're still not sure what the active agent is in cannabis, and if it is the same one that is psychoactive..

Most of the people I tend to meet who want "medical marijuana" actually have no legitimate medical conditions that it would benefit.. They are just looking to get a license to indulge their recreational marijuana use.. I tell them I'll sign your petition to get it legalized, but I'm not putting my name on a prescription..Health Question & Answer

I firmly believe that all plants have some type of medical uses.. Marijuana has many good uses, but even more abuses.. For terminal patients and chemo patients with no appetite this is a great help for them..

Becasue most of the people that I know that use marijuana are abusing it not, treating a medical condition I feel it should always be under federal regulation for certian conditions..

Why shouldn't it be legal for everyone for any reasons.?.?.? Ask your self this ...... do you want your children's school bus driver hopping on the bus to take your kids home from school after her joint.? How about when you go into the hospital for surgery, would it be okay for the surgeon to smoke a joint to relax right before he cuts you up.. Most people would say NO! The only ones that would say yes are the people that regularly smoke marijuana and really believe that they are not impared while high.. Some one needs to video tape these people so they can see for themselves while sober..Health Question & Answer

Yes i live in California and i actually have a cannabis club card.. I broke my back about 5 years ago mountain biking and i have pain every day..

i completely agree with it being legal it helps with the stress built up around my lower back and it loosens me up.. the health benefits are debatable of course, but in my opinion marijuana is not as bad for me as vicodin or any other pharmaceutical drug..

also i think if it became legal in more places than California that the government could tax it and make money off it and contribute to ending the recession.. which is never going to end anyways but hey charging people tax on pot would be a great way to help right.?.?Health Question & Answer

I do not think it should be legalized.. It is too easy to get now.. If it were legalized, it would be abused even more.. People would get prescription and sell them on the street, like they do other medications now.. It would just be another source to obtain the drug..

It would be in such high demand, the doctors will have difficulty in determining who really needs it and who just wants it.. Then it would cost even more to monitor the prescriptions and doctors involved..

If it were legal, there would have to be a way to make it a controlled substance that would be very difficult to get.. They were need strict criteria in which to prescribe it.. I am not opposed to anyone terminal or in such pain that nothing else would help.. It is just how do we monitor it so it would not become more of a problem with illegal abuse.?Health Question & Answer

I believe all drugs should be legalized.. If drugs were legalized they good be monitored/taxed.. The sort of individual who would do hardcore drugs is going to do them regardless of their legal nature, while the sort of individual who is going to stay away from hardcore drugs probably has reasons to act in that manner outside of the legal nature.. Marijuana is not a hardcore drug......who cares if anyone uses it.?Health Question & Answer

i think it should be legal and i think just weed in general should be legal.. I know someone that used weed while they had leukemia and they were cured.. .. .. the benefits are plain obvious.. I know that if you smoke cigarettes and weed together that you are less likely to get lung cancer than when you just smoke cigarettes.... scientists have done so many studies on this and i think the only reason why it isnt legal yet is because the government cant always get their money out of itHealth Question & Answer

I think that small amounts should be legal whether for medical use or recreational use..

I am a chronic pain patient and know for a fact that it eases my symptoms and I don't have to take as many oral opiates.. But...... I live in a state where possession of any amount gets you in deep dodo.. Even having rolling papers here is illegal if you are under 18..Health Question & Answer

All marijuana should be legal.. Medical reefer is not all that potent.. Tobacco should be illegal though..Health Question & Answer

I think it should be, and treated the same way alcohol is.. No driving while under the influence, legal age to buy etc.. Any responsible user knows that should only use at home anyway..Health Question & Answer

MARIJUANA should be legalized!!!! its not harmful, and the best thing ive ever experienced in my life......Health Question & Answer

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