Why do people hate chiropractors?!

Question: Why do people hate chiropractors.?
why do people hate chiropractors and deem them as "quacks" and say they arent real doctors if:
they go through 8 years of college (just like a physician)
they help everything from migranes to back pain, to asthma.?
they provide a better alternative to heath care, that has absolutely no side effects.? (no diarrhea, bloating, risk of stroke, etc..) im just wondering.. please answer only if you actually know something about this.. thanks..Health Question & Answer

Well it is a long story.. It goes back to the year 1895 when chiropractic was invented.. And actually it goes back farther than that.. You see anytime anyone is not a MD and is a healer they are hated by medicine.. It is a hearding instince on the part of medicine.. If medicine cannot absorb something they will fight it.. And chiropractic was to powerful to absorb and change.. Like they did with osteopathy in the USA.. So it is all just professional turf wars..

Additionally.. Medicine likes to think of herself now adays as scientific.. Or evidence based.. Now chiropractic is not a pure science and involves a philosophy and certain things that are not provable by science despite the fact they work.. So medicine uses this to fight or hate chiropractic.. But yes most chiropractors now adays are extremely well educated.. Though MDs will try and say they are not.. All you have to do is read a chiropractic college catalog to settle that issue..

Now you mentioned no side effects.. Well you have to understand that even with chiropractic there can be side effects though they are rarely major.. Like a broken riiiiid or soreness after treatment.. No with one type of chiropractic technique there is a small risk of stroke.. But it is extremely unlikely.. And a good chiropractor can use methods to avoid it all together..

As far as being a "real" doctor lol.. These MDs should try and go through a top chiropractic college program.. If they did they would see how real these doctors are..Health Question & Answer

Actually there are a lot of insurance plans that provide chiropractic coverage.. You mainly find them with a PPO plan.. As far as stroke goes, there have been approx 367 strokes since 1895, the year chiropractic was discovered, and there are approx 250 million+ chiro visits every year.. So there is a very small chance of stroke especially when compared to the approx 400 strokes EVERY YEAR that are attributed to birth control pills alone.. And another 16,000 die from taking aspirin.. You probably have the same chance of having a stroke by turning your head to look for traffic that you do by going to a chiropractor.. I do find it ironic how people won't go to one based on the off chance that they may have a stroke, but people are dying by the tens of thousands every year from taking meds that are wrongly prescribed.. go figureHealth Question & Answer

Chiropractors are not recognised by the Health Board......so if you visit one you have to pay out of your own purse.. Physiopherapists and Oestoepaths are............these guys find the problem and work with you to manage it, Chiros want you to keep going back for treatment month after month, week after week......i guess their methods are unecessary and unwarranted........therefore quacks!Health Question & Answer

They're probably afraid of the pain that is perceived with going to the chiropractor..

Personally I wish I could afford a chiropractor...... I have horrible back/neck/shoulder pain.. :/ Darn expensive medical care..Health Question & Answer

Hate is a word too strong.. More likely afraid.. It comes up in the minds of some people next to the torture, interrogation or execution.. Even I am slightly afraid of chiro..Health Question & Answer

"Hate" is hopefully not the right word..
I went to chiropractor treatment and I can't say I enjoyed it.. I find it scary when my neck is being twisted in this funny way..Health Question & Answer

People have died from chiropractors manipulating the neck.. Neck arteries have been torn.. I know some people swear by chiropractic treatment and that's OK but I would never have my neck manipulated,Health Question & Answer

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