Pomegranate juice has higher antioxidant level than Vit C. Does it mean it is better? are they all different?!

Question: Pomegranate juice has higher antioxidant level than Vit C.. Does it mean it is better.? are they all different.?
You see acai a fruit from the amazon having the highest number for antioxidents along with Mangosteen fruit and the wolfe berry from China.. Pamegranate has more or higher number for antioxidents.. Vit A , C, Iodine, Vit E are forms of antioxidents.? If I drink the highest level of antioxident like from the acai juice or mangosteen juice or the pomegranate juice, why should eat any else that has number lower.. Can someone break this down for me.. about antioxidents.? Thank you..Health Question & Answer

Antioxidant claims are the latest fad in the "natural" food and supplement industry.. While there is some theoretical and test tube evidence of antioxidants at the molecular level, whether it actually makes a difference at the macro level (you and me) has never been demonstrated..

Nevertheless it is the kind of idea that fits in well with folks who think they need detoxifying and cleansing, and they've taken it on as yet another new age thing that has a vague connection to science to give it some sort of credibility.. (Ironic how they despise and reject science, but secretly want its validation)

There is no way to rank how potent an antioxidant food is.. There is no such scale that has any meaning at all.. Stop being so obsessed with the concept, it is largely mythology..

Eat a healthy diet with a wide variety of fresh fruits and veggies........especially ones with rich dark colors and you will be fine......and save yourself lots of money as well..Health Question & Answer

Umm Vitamin C and Antioxidants aren't the same thing.. Antioxidants keep your cells from oxidizing.. (i..e.. getting old) So getting as much of them as possible is good.. You do also need Vitamin C though.. (Scurvy!) Most processed foods have enough Vitamin C in them nowadays though that you don't really need to worry about it.. A daily glass of OJ will be sufficient..

Everything in moderation..Health Question & Answer

I would drink a variety of juices because each fruit they come from has different nutrients, not just vitamin this or thatHealth Question & Answer

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