What are some natural ways to control high blood pressure/cholesterol?!

Question: What are some natural ways to control high blood pressure/cholesterol.?
the last time i had my cholesterol checked it was well over 400 that was 3 years ago.. i check my blood pressure at the pharmacy whenever i see the machine and it's almost always over 175 over 85 i smoke alot and drink moderately 45 yrs old and a former meth user 6 yrs cleanHealth Question & Answer

There is a lot of things you can do for your blood pressure and cholesterol!

First off, quit smoking.. I understand it is a very difficult habit to quit, but it will do wonders for your health..

Second, you do need to cut back on your alcohol intake.. Chronic alcohol consumption can lead to a host of problems, and can contribute to your high blood pressure..

Next, start eating a healthy diet with a lot of fruits and vegetables, and a lot of whole grains.. Try to stay away from foods with trans fat and keep your saturated fat intake down.. While we all need fat in our diet, they best types of fat to consume are mono- and polyunsaturated fats (we need them to absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K)..

Exercise will also help both your blood pressure and cholesterol.. 30-60 minutes 4-5 times a week of something that gets your heart pumping.. It can be anything you want, running, swimming, belly dancing, bicycling.. When starting an exercise program, make sure to talk to your doctor to get the ok..

Good luck! I know from experience it can be done; I brought my cholesterol down from 220 to 170 with just a good diet and exercise alone..Health Question & Answer

People who drink and smoke are often "stuffing" feelings, which from a holistic viewpoint has a great impact on metabolism / cholesterol.. Given the personal stats you listed, the best thing you can do is see a good psychologist to help you free the anxieties your habits keep imprisoned.. You want to be able to nix the alcohol and stop smoking, a natural outcome of healing..

That's sure a high cholesterol number.. You didn't mention your height/weight or level of physical fitness.. Metabolism shifts in life's 2nd trimester, and by its 3rd we no longer have wiggle room..

Congratulations on your considerable successes (e..g.., meth recovery).. You deserve to enjoy even more peace, and I believe you can..

P..S.. The lower number in blood pressure is of more import, and it's creeping up there.. Homeopathy is another resource, in isolation or with other modalities, to not only help release inner ghosts, but restore balance to your physical body (i..e.., metabolism, blood pressure)..

If you see a homeopath, be sure to interview 2-3 for a personality fit, and to check credentials, training, experience and certification.. Make sure your homeopath of choice has a 100% homeopathy practice.. (It's common today for conventional and alternative practitioners to offer homeopathy, only it's a consumer-level, acute-care knowledge - and won't provide the help you need..)

Take care.. I'm rooting for you..Health Question & Answer

You WILL die early if you don't stop smoking.. 400 is ridiculous for cholesterol.. Congrats on getting clean from meth, but you probably have some damage..

1 - cut out all margarine, fried fatty foods, and basically anything fried (sauteed OK with just a bit of olive oil, slowly cooked)..

2 - eat many more beans (kidney, garbanzo, etc..), green leafies (raw and cooked), nuts and 10-minute cooked oatmeal.. I reduced my cholesterol nearly 50 points just doing this..

3 - You need to do yoga or some meditative-type exercise for the blood pressure.. If you drink hard liquor, stop and switch to 2 glasses of red wine only per day.. Deal with the stress or it will kill you as well..

4 - There are cholesterol-lowering supplements, but red yeast is itself a mild statin.. There are other herbal things though..Health Question & Answer

My herbal drink is lowered my cholesterol.. It has made my mother-in-law recover from her arthritis.. It is like a cure-all for many ailments.. My friends who tried it recovered from their asthma and diabetes problems.. It is comprised of 5 power herbs.. The most powerful herb, moringa, is even known to cure cancer.. Search the web for Moringa and you

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