What exactly is the difference between Spring water and Distilled water?why wld I wanna prefer 1over the other!

Question: What exactly is the difference between Spring water and Distilled water.?why wld I wanna prefer 1over the other
Spring Water is natural water from a spring..
The only problem can be the extraction and bottling process that may cause contamination.. Spring water is usually bottled raw at source.. This water contains naturally dissolved minerals that could be assimilated by our bodies..So if you buy spring water from a reputable company, I would rate it better than distilled..
Some people wonder why on earth we as humans would want to drink 'battery water'.. A good reason is distilled water is pure h2o..
There are no contaminants, no minerals in fact, some detractors label it as dead water..This water is condensed from steam, manmade..
Spring water comes from natural terrain, twisting and coursing through layers of earth and finally bubbling through as filtered clean water that has been charged positively by sunlight and the contours of the earth..
It has a natural energy called Scalar Energy, and are in smaller clusters of molecules that is very beneficial for our bodies..
Distilled water is cheaper and some experts recommend it for the leaching effect it may have on the body.. Heavy minerals may be leached out..
On the safe side, go for Spring! And remember, the bottled water should preferably come in glass bottles......Health Question & Answer

Spring water comes from a natural spring.. Distilled water is treated and purified water from a city water supply.. Though many spring waters are naturally more pure, most distilled waters are treated to reach a purity that rivals any natural water source.. In terms of health benefits, there is no real reason to pick one over the other.. Many people claim spring water has a better taste, but I think most people do not consider taste to be much of a concern in their water.. And I have never been able to taste any difference between them anyway..Health Question & Answer

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