POLL: What is the best remedy for hay fever that,you can buy from the chemist ???!

Question: POLL: What is the best remedy for hay fever that,you can buy from the chemist .?.?.?
Thank you..Health Question & Answer

Stress can cause hay fever attacks to worsen mate so you may find a bit of relief by supplement with a multi B complex supplement twice daily .................. a liquid supplement would be the easiest for your body to effectively assimilate .............. get one including all the B's as they work best together ie ~ B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, folic acid etc................ the B complex of vitamins is essential for healthy neural, digestive and immune system functioning and will help you enormously in dealing with the everyday dose we are all exposed to at some level..

also take a Vitamin C supplement in a powdered form containing bioflavonoids (enhances the power of vitamin C 10 fold) 1,000 mg (1 teaspoon) dissolved in water or juice 3 times daily........................ vitamin C has been shown to have effective antihistamine properties.......................... if you're taking lots of aspirin you're losing vitamin C................ cut right back on caffeine containing drinks such as coffee and tea and eliminate sodas and soft drinks and pop as they will all dehydrate you terribly and rob you of your precious water soluble supplies of vitamin C..

Other things that will rob you of your precious supplies of vitamin C are alcohol, aspirin and otc counter cold and flu meds, antiobiotics, sleeping tablets, laxatives and diuretics, the oral contraceptive and eostrogen supplementation (if you are female) and smoking........ Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin and as such our bodies can neither store or produce it and we need to ingest it on a daily basis..

eat more foods rich in vitamin C ie ~leafy and green vegies, citrus fruits such as lemons, limes and oranges, strawberries, blackberries and red and green peppers etc......

Vitamin C reduces inflammation, stimulates the immune system and restores the mucous lining of the gastrointestinal tract.................... In addition, vitamin C creates an environment in the digestive tract that helps control the overgrowth of yeast, bacteria and parasites..

Vitamin C deficiency can contribut to digestive problems, as well as bleeding gums, increased susceptibility to infection, joint pain, unexplained bruising and lack of energy.......... hmm, vitamin C the magical potion i reckon......................;0)

?All these supplements that i've suggested you should be able to buy at any reputable chemist or health food store................;0)

hope this helps u

peace babyHealth Question & Answer

Okay I know this is going to sound like some sort of "eye of nute" but it works like a miracle.. Fresh freeze dried nettles.. Buy it online at Eclectic Institute (do a google search).. My friend had serious issues with hay fever but has high blood pressure, making it difficult to treat with other forms of meds.. She turned me on to this and it's like a miracle with no side effects.. But it has to be "fresh freeze dried.." Give it a try..Health Question & Answer

Travel sickness pills to take while you move to where there is no pollen, otherwise it is an antihistamine that you need.. A doctor may be required for corticosteroids however as this is altertnative medicines aside from wearing a mask you could look in YA
.yahoo..com/question/index.?qid=20080515154700AAtEFrQ" rel="nofollow">http://answers..yahoo..com/question/index.?......Health Question & Answer

my husband suffers with this very badly,he took zirtek for a while but ended up having to get a hay fever jab from the doc,it has improved immensely..x..Health Question & Answer

medinose (phototherapy machine).. its not cheap at

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