What are the symptoms of salmonella?!

Question: What are the symptoms of salmonella.?
Is it true you get it from raw eggs.? Does everyone get it.? How likely is it to get it.? can it have permanent damage effects.?Health Question & Answer

Its catastrophic to the intestines and its not to fun but its not all that common.Health Question & Answer

Salmonella infection (salmonellosis) is a common bacterial infection of the intestinal tract. Salmonella typically live in the intestines of animals and humans and are shed through feces, where the bacteria remain highly contagious. Humans become infected most frequently through contaminated food sources, such as poultry, meat and eggs.

In general, salmonella symptoms begin with nausea and vomiting and progress to abdominal pains and diarrhea. Additional signs and symptoms include fever, chills and muscle pains, and can last anywhere from several days to two weeks.

There are more than 2,000 types of salmonella bacteria, although fewer than a dozen types are responsible for most illness in humans. Other symptoms may be present depending on the type of salmonella germ causing your infection. The most prevalent salmonella-related illnesses are:

* Gastroenteritis. This increasingly common salmonella-induced illness is caused by the S. enteritidis bacterium, which is most often ingested through raw or undercooked meat, poultry, eggs or egg products. The incubation period ranges from several hours to two days, and additional signs include blood in the stool.
* Enteric fever. also known as typhoid fever, this illness is caused by the S. typhi bacterium and is most commonly contracted by drinking salmonella-contaminated water. The incubation period ranges from five to 21 days following infection. Additional signs and symptoms may include constipation, cough, sore throat, headache and mental confusion. Slightly raised, rose-colored spots on your upper chest also may appear. In addition, a slowing of your heartbeat (bradycardia) and enlargement of your liver and spleen (hepatosplenomegaly) may be present.
* Bacteremia. This condition results when salmonella bacteria enter and circulate throughout your bloodstream. Infants and people with compromised immune systems are at special risk of developing serious complications, including infection of tissues surrounding the brain and spinal cord (meningitis) and infection within the bloodstream (sepsis). People with salmonella-induced bacteremia may show few symptoms; however, fever can be present.

If you have intestinal salmonella and you have a healthy immune system, you may not seem ill or show signs or symptoms. However, you may continue to shed the bacteria in your feces and remain contagious for up to a year.-Health Question & Answer

The biggest symptom is not being able to leave the toilet and needing a garbage can next to you at the same time. Some times it is serious and you need to go to the hospital. One of the worst side effects is the risk of dehydration. Health Question & Answer

Undercooked poultry and seafoods, particularly sushi. The sickness isn't permanent the last time I checked. Health Question & Answer

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