Why does the wintertime bring the vomiting virus?!

Question: Why does the wintertime bring the vomiting virus.?
And is it likely to occur every year.?Health Question & Answer

I guess we are more likely to get sick in the wintertime.
since its cold, and everyone gets sick. then the flu comes up.
Health Question & Answer

There are always viruses going around no matter the time of the year. The reason they are more prevalent during the winter months is that people have more confined interactions with others. Such as going back to school. When it is cold outside people are more likely to do indoor things ex : go to movies, mall etc. A virus is spread many ways between people and that closer interaction just aides in the process. Remember to wash you hands and to cover your mouth when you cough or sneezeHealth Question & Answer

Yes, there is a round of "flu" or other similar viruses every year - and they get passed around from person to person and from city to city by travelers.

There are several reasons we get sick more in the summer.
First, with the cold weather we have more mucus (gross, I know) and when we wipe our noses or blow our noses we get mucus on our hands, then we touch things. Then others touch things and then put our mucus in their mouths (or at least the germs in it) and noses and eyes and then they get whatever illness we have. So the mucus is a major reason we get sick more - because of the cold air we have more mucus.
Second, there is a relatively new idea that we get sick more because there is less sunlight and therefore we have less production of vitamin D - we produce vitamin D when our bodies are exposed to UV rays.

Winter also brings lots of bad habits - eating more, exercising less, etc- these all make our immune systems go down.

Last, but not least, we spend a lot more time indoors with other people - at work in the summer you may eat outside, but in the winter you will eat inside next to someone else who may have a virus to give you.... Being indoors all the time with others makes us more likely to get sick.

What you can do is wash your hands a LOT, touch less surfaces if you can (use a paper towell to open doors, refrigerators, etc) and clean the surfaces you touch a lot at home and work with antibacterial stuff (lysoll spray works well) - places like light switches, door knobs, phones, keyboards, etc. AND never touch your face without washing your hands first.Health Question & Answer

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