Just how contagious is herpes? Can the following things transmit it? ?!

Question: Just how contagious is herpes.? Can the following things transmit it.? .?
Hello all!

Just wondering how contagious herpes is, will the following things transmit it.? (oral and genital herpes)

- using the same soap as someone who has herpes
- using a razor someone else has used who has herpes
- using the same towel as someone with herpes

Just wondering if you know how contagious it is.

BeauHealth Question & Answer

Herpes is almost always spread through skin-to-skin contact. Almost never through inanimate objects. The virus dies very quickly away from the human body.

Soap will kill the virus, so that is right out. Absolutely no risk at all.

Sharing a razor is also unlikley. I suspect that the amount of virus associated with viral shedding (spreading the virus without symptoms) is low enough that you would need direct contact (kissing) to catch herpes if no cold sores were present. So if someone with oral herpes was having a cold sore, and shaved their cold sore (Yoiks!) and then you IMMEDIATELY used their razor, you might catch herpes. Pretty unlikely.

With the towel, it depends on how unhygenic you are. If the towel were allowed to dry between uses, then again there is no danger at all. Even if the towel was damp, but allowed to cool down between uses, it's almost certainly safe. But if one of you had a genital herpes lesion, and used the towel, and then IMMEDIATELY handed the towel to the other person, who managed to rub the part of the towel that was exposed to the virus on their genitals, they could catch herpes this way. It practically never happens this way though.

I assume that you have a room mate and are concerned about catching their herpes.? Just don't kiss them or have sex with them, and you will be at effectively no risk at all. Don't share underwear by passing it between the two of you immediately.

But don't panic about it. Again, it is almost never passed via inanimate objects.

For a lot more good, reliable information on genital and oral herpes, I strongly recommend the website below. It's easy to read, and answers most of the common questions about herpes.

Good luck.Health Question & Answer

all three are not too likley to transmit herpes, but under certain cercumstances there could be possibilities of transmition. i'll assume your wondering about the genital type considering the objects that u listed.
herpes takes skin to skin contact (like kissing or sex) with a person who has herpes in order for them to pass the virus on.
how ever if u shared damp or wet towels with some one who has herpes by using it right after they did and they had an out break then there would be more of a possibility.
if u used the soap imediatly after they used the soap on their genitals and they had an out break then there would be more of a possibility.
herpes does not live long out side of the body or on inanimate objects (such as towels, razors and soap) for very long.Health Question & Answer

Nope I don't think you can. I looked it up because really I didn't know. You can find information on this site http://www.herpes-coldsores.com/herpes_p...Health Question & Answer

Answer for you three doubts.
YesHealth Question & Answer

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