Why cant i seem to be treated for chlamydia after being treated 3 times in a row?!

Question: Why cant i seem to be treated for chlamydia after being treated 3 times in a row.?
I was tested for chlamydia over 4 months ago, and was treated the first time with azithromycin, after taking it, it cleared up after about 3 weeks but soon came back again. I then went to the GU medicine and was tested again to make sure i still had it, i then was given azithromycin again, but it didnt work. I then went back for the third time and was given doxycycline to which im on the 6th day of taking, and it doesnt seem to have done much.? I still have mild, but clear discharge (although the burning sensation has gone).....i just feel like its just going to come back again!!! Why wont it go away.?!.?! i havent had sexual intercourse ATALL in the whole time with first being tested, and theres no way im getting reinfected....it just wont heal up! PLEASE HELP! ThankyouHealth Question & Answer

Chalmydial drug resistance is rare, but may be an issue in your case.

As you continue to have symptoms and have (almost) completed two sets of drugs (azithromycin twice and doxycycline once) I would ask for a test-of-cure at 3-4 weeks after you finish your latest treatment (using a NAAT -- ask your doc) -- if you test sooner than this, you can get a false positive test result due to the presence of non-viable chlamydia bacteria which should disappear by 3-4 weeks after stopping treatment

In the meantime I would recommend that your treating physician examine the possibility of infection with other pathogens and a non-infective cause should also be considered. It is very possible that the round of doxycycline will take care of your infection (it works even after you stop)

ps. be sure you take your meds exactly as prescribed. one of the most common reasons for treatment failure is non-compliance to medication regimens.

Health Question & Answer

Go to webmd.com or livestrong.com.
Perhaps your test is showing a false positive and that there is another form of bacteria or virus that does not respond well to the medication you have been prescribed. Health Question & Answer

You have something else going onHealth Question & Answer

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