Effect of exercise on high blood pressure sufferer?!

Question: Effect of exercise on high blood pressure sufferer.?
Hi. I'm fat and I have high blood pressure. I took a beta blocker for a couple of years with no problems. In April I started a weight loss regimen and have lost 50 lbs so far. (Not diet, 30mins of cardio at least 4 times a week) Since I"ve started working out, I've been on and off several different beta blockers and ace inhibitors because they're all causing major bad allergic reactions, including my original prescription. If I stop taking them, though, my blood pressure gets high, reallly fast. During all this jacking around with my medication I've continued working out but not nearly as hard as I used to, because the allergic reactions make me feel like I'm either having a heart attack or suffocating. I've tried working through the discomfort, but I'm worried. While I'm working out, am I in danger of stroking out even though I'm on medication.? My bp gets a lot lower after I've worked out hard and cooled off, but during...am I killing myself.? And why does my bp test so much lower after exercise.? Any advice appreciated! Health Question & Answer

i dont know what ur doctor has been telling you but he should not be prescribing you beta blockers for high blood pressure - beta blockers are used for slowing heart rate or dilating airways and blood vessels, which in retrospect could make it seem like its lowering ur blood pressure because ur blood vessels are wider but it is not. now im sure at first you only had a small amount of beta blockers but after a while you had to have more and more. This is because beta blockers bind on a receptor and inhibit other chemicals in ur body such as adrenalin and noradrenalin from binding - but over time more receptors are created to counter that effect so u keep having to take more and more blockers and eventually u have so many receptors that if u stop the beta blockers ur heart races and u feel like ur going to have a heart attack. This is why you feel like you do when you exercise and the other thing u said was suffocation - and as i said earlier beta blockers dilate the airways but the same thing happens there - u stop taking the blockers and u feel like ur gonna suffocate. Unless u have artherosclerosis (occluded blood vessels) u should not be taking beta blockers but now since uve been doing it for a while u should ween yourself off them but CONTINUE exercising this is absolutely the best way to lower blood pressure particularly in the long term - and it has the added bonus of being able to reverse the effects of atherosclerosis over the long term also. so please see another doctor and talk to him about why you are taking beta blockers and the best way to get you off them while still exercising.Health Question & Answer

I took a stress test. My BP went down too. That is the beauty of exercise. Ask your doctor to give you a stress test and don't worry because they will be monitoring you every step of the way. Talk to your doctor about your fears, and continue losing weight so you will feel better.
Good luck to you. And, ask your doctor about other medications that might be of benefit...there's a million combinations out there...without side effects.Health Question & Answer

My advice is the answer can only be found at your doctors not
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