Sinus Infection with clear drainage?!

Question: Sinus Infection with clear drainage.?
I started getting what apparently seemed like a cold on Saturday, and became pretty bad yesterday. When I blow my nose it is usually clear and runny, except it is green upon awakening (I have only been awake 20 minutes, so I do not know if it will turn clear yet or not). I started feeling slight sinus congestion yesterday, and last night I really felt it when I moved my eyes up and such, but this morning it isn't quite bad. But I also have a fever that topped out at 100.7, but broke this morning without any medications. I am still debating on calling in sick for work or not (I do child care, so I do not need to get my toddlers sick). I never get fevers so I am thinking it could be an infection. Is it possible to have a sinus infection with clear drainage.?Health Question & Answer

Sinus infections are not contagious. The cold leading up to it may be contagious. Sinus infections are a result of a cold or allergies. Colds and allergies cause inflammation of the sinuses. Inflammation of the sinuses cause mucus production. Mucus can fill up in the cavities and if it sits too long, it can become infected. The fever that you had is a way of your body fighting off the infection. Depending on what type of person you are, you can either go to the Dr. and get some antibiotics or you can treat it yourself.

Here are some ways that you can treat it yourself": warm steamy shower, warm rag to your face and forehead, sudafed, alka seltzer, mucinex, sinus/cold plus (wal-mart has their own brand), or you can use a shower gel for cold/sinuses (wal-mart sells it in its' cosmetic section).

My preference is the shower gel. I have everyone in my family hooked to it. My BIL had a really bad sinus infection this past weekend. He face was swollen and inflamed. He could not breath. I suggested the shower gel to him.... he was in absolute doubt that it would not work. My MIL told me to buy it anway. I bought it for him.... he used it that same night... still thinking that it was crazy and would not work.... he woke up the next morning feeling almost normal. He told my MIL "Mom I used it last night and it is still working." She said that he continued to use it to help reinforce the process of getting better. My MIL told my BIL that she wanted to try it the next time she had a sinus infection and he told her to get her own bottle. He even hid the bottle from her. LOL!!

The only time that I used mucinex was when my sinuses were so bad that I had a huge headache. That headache was so bad that I could not function properly. It worked wonders. It cleared out my sinuses so well, that it actually burned to breathe.Health Question & Answer

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