I have Multiple Sclerosis what do u think?!

Question: I have Multiple Sclerosis what do u think.?
I have multiple sclerosis and i am wondering if anyone out there is also in their 20's and recently got diagnosed with this disease.?

If u don't have the disease do u think im weird because i have it (please answer honestly).?

What do u think MS is.?
Health Question & Answer

You are not weird. You are one of the many Americans who suffer from a disease that is still not well known as to how you get it or how to get rid of it.

I do not suffer from it, but i did have an Auto Immune Disease which is what MS is. No one knows how we get these diseases and there is no known way to cure them. I'm only 23, I know what you are going through. You just have to take your meds and if don't agree with the doc you have then get more then one opinion. Go to 3 if needed to make sure they are doing whats best for u.

I know one day they will have a cure for all of these diseases, and I know Montel Williams has MS. He smokes weed to help him though. Not endorsing, I'm just saying.

Hope I helped Health Question & Answer

I was diagnosed with MS three years ago when I was 25. it was really hard to come to terms with, and my relapses make me depressed, but you get through it if you think positively.

Having MS does not make you weird. Lots of people have it. How you react to it may or may not make you weird, though.

No one knows why MS happens, but they do know exactly what it is. For some reason, your immune system decides to start attacking the myelin coating around your nerves in the brain and spine. Without the coating, your nerves will start miss-firing and that's where most of the symptoms come from.Health Question & Answer

i m sad that you have this disease ask god for the cure of your illness *he is there trust me *
you aren't werid ,no one is sheltered from such disease ,we all can get these things ,plz
pray muchHealth Question & Answer

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