Why is my mom making me get gardasil?!

Question: Why is my mom making me get gardasil.?
i know its a vaccine for hpv, but im not really sure what it is..i think its a std. so anyways does she think im sexually active.? or can you get hpv other ways.?Health Question & Answer

I don't think she thinks you are sexually active now. Getting this vaccination can save you from getting cancer in the future. HPV is a virus that is transmitted sexually. It is one of the most common STD's out there. There are about a hundred different variations of the virus but a hand full of them cause cervical cancer. While you may not be sexually active now you will be at some time in your life and would then be at risk to come in contact with the disease. Your mom is not accusing you just protecting you from something that could happen in the future. If I had female children I would do the same. It could save their life.Health Question & Answer

Gardasil is a vaccine that works to prevent HPV or human papiloma virus. HPV is an STD. Gardasil works to prevent the 4 most prevalent strands of HPV. HPV may cause cancer and in fact, is the leading cause of cervical cancer.

Your mom is having you get it to help prevent you getting cervical cancer. She doesn't necessarily believe that you are sexually active. She just wants to make sure that you're safe. Even if you are in what you believe is a monogamous relationship, your partner could be infected and not even know it.

While HPV is an STD and is usually transmitted through vaginal intercourse, like all other STDs, it can be transmitted through oral sex. If your partner is infected with an STD it is possible that it can be transmitted to you.Health Question & Answer

No if she thought you where sexually active you wouldn

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