OK smelly vagina :/.....can someone help?!

Question: OK smelly vagina :/.....can someone help.?
Ok sooo sometimes when im sweating down there it starts to smell like armpits!! i mean i take showers everyday...but everytime that i sweat from my tights i get this nasty smell like armpits is it just me.?.?.?......what can i do im embarresed to have sexHealth Question & Answer

It's not really you that's smelly, but rather a bunch of pesky bacteria that are producing that armpit odour. They live in the warm, moist places on our bodies and chow down on the yummy (to them) substances we secrete from sweat and oil glands. Then they, in turn, secrete a chemical called 3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid which has that smell you find embarrassing.

Now, doesn't that make you feel a whole lot better about yourself.? ;->

Your problem is far from uncommon. It does not indicate that there's anything wrong with you and you should not allow it to make you embarrassed to have sex. If your scent does make you feel awkward, then find some way of making sure that you have a shower before you get amorous. I doubt if many guys would object at all to that. However, you should also be aware that there are guys who get off on funky smells. So if you meet someone who asks that you _not_ shower, then don't assume he's just being polite; it could be he actually prefers you to smell a bit like a real, live human being. On the other hand, the only thing that really matters is what YOU are most comfortable with. If you find your body odour worrying or distracting, then you should be free to do whatever you want about that.

One thing you might consider trying is to trim your pubic hair. Shorter hair means less surface area for the bacteria to live on and it also makes washing yourself more effective at removing the bacteria and the substances they feed on. Shaving is taking this to the logical extreme, but it has it's own problems.

Finally, although I hope you already know it, I'll mention that you would be unwise to start messing around with douches and sprays, and definitely do not put a soapy washcloth into your vagina. There is a fairly delicate chemical and biological balance maintained in the vagina and any woman who does anything which messes around with that is foolish.Health Question & Answer

No its not just you many women have stinky vaginas not me mine always smells like flowers lol but you need to put a wash cloth around 2 fingers soap it up and push it up there if that doesn't work there are feminine products you can doosh but don't do it too much it can bring good bacteria into the vagina where it doesn't belong and cause serious problems ask your doctors for more help on dooshing or other feminine products or go to the pharmacy and buy some eve productsHealth Question & Answer

ok from what you wrote i uderstand what you are going through the question is have you gone through this situation before.? the smell can be cause by bv which is a bacterial infection, it is cause by douching, wearing tight clothes such as underwears and jeans. if i was you i would make an appointment to see ur gyn so u can know for sure what the smell is good luck and hope u feel betterHealth Question & Answer

Could just be from sweating, thats normal or a yeast infection.Health Question & Answer

Just wash up if you are worried. Maybe you need to wash more frequently than once a day.Health Question & Answer

clean it with windex it works!Health Question & Answer

see a docHealth Question & Answer

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