Is this dangerous and highly likely me or my friends can get it?!

Question: Is this dangerous and highly likely me or my friends can get it.?
My friend has MRSA. We have the same friends & we all hang out in this group kind of thing and we're like always togther. I know MRSA is very contagious but it's not like we're just gonna stop being her friend and hanging out with her because of it. My friends drink out of the same bottle as her sometimes and get really close to her and stuff like touching close, I don't because it just grosses me out and makes me feel like I'm going to get it, which I could.

Are my friends just pushing it too far by sharing drinks with her and stuff.?Health Question & Answer

Well, I wouldn't drink after many people whether they had MRSA or not. It's still okay to hang out with her or be around her. That and she is probably taking antibiotics for it, so she probably won't be contagious after a few days. I still was still around people when I had a sinus infection caused by MRSA, so being around her won't be a problem. Just avoid very close contact, wash your hands (which should be done anyway, reduces chance of other illnesses). Health Question & Answer

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