How can I get rid of a stuffy nose?!

Question: How can I get rid of a stuffy nose.?
How can I get rid of a stuffy nose without using anything that has to do with medicine

like home remediesHealth Question & Answer

Use a solution called OCEAN. It is a saline solution you spray up your nose. You can buy it fairly cheap at Wal-Mart. Or make your own, using 1 tsp. of regular salt in 8 ounces of warm water. Then spray it up your nose the same way. It relieves the dryness that is causing your nose to be stuffy.Health Question & Answer

My husband and I actually came up with this and a few years later we saw a similar product being advertised.

You can do this in the shower or over the stove in a pot of boiling water. Drop in some menthol cough drops. The vapors will help to unblock your nose as will the steam.

There's a product in the store that is for the shower, I believe it looks like a bar of soap, and you let it dissolve as you're the same as the cough drops, but it's probably more expensive.Health Question & Answer

Try a Neti--it may also be called a Nasal Cleansing Pot in the health food stores, even can be found in bigger stores now that Oprah had them on her show. They clear the nostrils for free breathing, remove excess mucous, reduce pollen or allergens in nasal passages, relieve nasal dryness-I read all of that off of the box that ours came in. My son, who first used it when he was 8, mastered it his second try and he loves using it--it greatly relieves his nasal problems. Our pediatrician was the first to suggest it to us. (Before Oprah!)Health Question & Answer

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