Is it possible that I could be allergic to my cats?!

Question: Is it possible that I could be allergic to my cats.?
I had cats when I was a lot younger, and I have two cats now that I have owned for about four years. I never really noticed any problems with them,but lately my ears have been clogged and they ring a lot, I have been coughing, my nose is very stuffy and it gets itchy, especially if one of my cats rubs their head against me, and sometimes my throat gets sore or scratchy. I noticed that my nose isn't as stuffy when I'm at school or somewhere else as it is when I'm home. I didn't think you could become allergic to cats if you never were before. Can you.? And could I be allergic to mine.?Health Question & Answer

You definitely could. I used to have allergies to cats that were horrible when I was younger. Those are exactly the allergies I had. They just went away one day once.

Allergies come and go, and unfortunately, it sounds like you're allergic to your cats.

I don't know if you'll have to get rid of them, but talk to your doctor and hear his or her input.Health Question & Answer

Yes you can become allergic to cats,even if you were not before.I have three cats myself.Your system may or may not change over the years.You can see your allergist and have a scratch test done to see what the results say.He may either suggest giving up your cats,which I am sure you do not want to do,or he may suggest allergy shots,or certain allergy medications.Check with him,as everyone is different.My cats do not sleep in my room at night anymore,and I sleep and breath easier.Good Luck.Health Question & Answer

yesHealth Question & Answer

I grew up with cats and had them all my life. At about the age of 16 or so I started developing a small rash when I was around them, and now, at the age of 20, I can't even be in the same room without getting a huge rash on my face. Allergies can come and go and appear at random at any age throughout your life. It is very possible that you are allergic to your cats. You should get an allergy test to be certain, but if you get runny and clogged when you're around them, its very likely to be allergies. You can get cortison pills and anti histamines, and they will help. Health Question & Answer

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