What the hell are these blotches all over me?!

Question: What the hell are these blotches all over me.?
Here is a picture of what a few of them look like:


I only noticed this a week or so ago, then today I realized there are not only like 10 of them across my chest and sides, but also one or two on my arms as well.

They don't itch or hurt, and they aren't raised, but they seem to be multiplying.

Does anyone know what they are or what's causing them.? They don't seem to be bites as there is no irritation or pain.Health Question & Answer

It definitely looks like an allergic reaction of sorts. It could be hives. It could also be that you have bedbugs. Seriously.
If you have noticed little bites on your body after a nice restful sleep you may have bed bugs. Bed bug welts can occur singularly or in multiples(depending on how many little critters you have). You can identify a bite by looking closely, if you see a distinctive linear pattern marking the paths of blood vessels running close to the surface of the skin, then sorry to tell you, you have bed bugs.
also look for blackish reddish fecal matter, it can be located anywhere in or around the bed area.
Health Question & Answer

Hard to say. Could be a reaction to your laundry soap or the water in your home when you shower. Could be hives too. If they don't go away in a week, I'd ask a doctor.Health Question & Answer

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