Can you cure a cold overnight?!

Question: Can you cure a cold overnight.?
Is there any way to get rid of a runny nose/sore thorat overnight.? If not how do you get rid of one quickly.?
Help, thanks!Health Question & Answer

There are no guarantees, but if I needed to be truly well fast, here's what I'd do.
(1) do a gentle nasal flush 2-3x a day. 8 oz warm water mixed with 1/4 tsp each salt and baking soda. Pour gently through your nostrils with a neti pot or baby nasal aspirator. Lean over the sink. It cleans the germs out of the sinuses.
(2) boil up some vegetable broth from scratch, make sure you have a lot of leafy green vegetables like spinach. A LOT. Organic is best. This can get very expensive, but if you drink a quart of freshly made vegetable broth made with a ton of spinach (you can strain out the limp vegetables) you will give your immune system a serious boost.

Other than that, make sure you're getting adequate rest, eating well (avoid lots of processed foods, few nutrients, takes lots of energy to get them through your body). You can't abuse your body and expect it to be there when you need it.Health Question & Answer

Yes, you can get rid of your problem with many anti- allergic medicines. It can cure you on temporary basis. You can use breathing exercise of yoga which helps cope up with cold. The various yoga poses of prayanam work effectively on the respiratory system for immediate and long term relief. These breathing exercises free the nose and the area of the blocking and ill effects of contaminated environment.Health Question & Answer

treat the symptoms -a virus can last 3-21 days.Health Question & Answer

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