I have to decide whether or not to put my father in Hospice?!

Question: I have to decide whether or not to put my father in Hospice.?
But Hospice is a scary word... and I feel like if I do decide Hospice is the right thing does that it means I am giving up on him.? He has Alzheimer and he is in the late stages and I know its coming, and the decisions I've made so far really were really to make me more comfortable... I know that is selfish but it's just makes it easier to be in denial about him dying. Even the doctor told me I was in denial and that I think he will live forever.
Will Hospice make him more comfortable.? Em I giving up.?
I also hear that Hospice gives family support... I really need some kind of support since I am taking all this really really bad and don't have anyone to help me cope with this. Is it selfish to also think of me getting support from Hospice.?Health Question & Answer

I have also dealt with Alzheimer's and caregiving. I know exactly where you are. When I signed my mother up for hospice, I thought I was signing her death certificate.

Let's make it really simple so you can understand what's going on.

Once a patient is nearing or in the last stages of Alzheimer's there is nothing to prevent the ultimate from occurring. There are a few requirements to consider before doing so, like a weight loss, directives from a doctor, or end of life care. Which is what hospice is there for.

They are there simply to ensure that your father is comfortable during this time. They are not there to give any lifesaving steps. They are providing him comfort and respect during this time.

They will monitor him daily, administer pain meds and make sure he's clean and comfortable. They should also be giving you updates as to his condition.

You are not giving up on him. You are respecting him enough to give him his pride and dignity during this time. It is the best thing for him, and working with the hospice groups, they are the best people you will ever find. How they do their job is beyond me. They are angels in disguise.

I am so sorry that you're going through this. And yes, they have support groups and do great things. Good luck, and again, I am sorry.Health Question & Answer

First, I'm so sorry to hear about your father.

Hospice is a wonderful thing and they will make him as comfortable as he can be. They also offer support for families as you are going through this too.

Placing him in hospice care doesn't mean you are giving up on him; it just means you are trying to give him the best care possible in his last days and you shouldn't feel guilty about placing him in hospice care.

And denial is a normal part of grief.Health Question & Answer

No you are not giving up you are trying to give him the best quality of life for what little he has left. also it may be better for him so that he has 24 hour nursing care, that way he will be more comfortable. You are not a bad person or selfish. Health Question & Answer

I think hospice is a wonderful service. The philosphy of hospice is to keep the patient as comfortable as possible. This means that no aggressive measures are taken to prolong the patient lives. Hospice not only takes care of the patient but also the family. The hospice team consists of a medical director, registered nurse, social worker, chaplain, home health aides, and sometimes volunteers. The hospice team works together to ensure that the dying process is made as easy as a transition as possible. Dealing with death/dying issues are never easy, but having an excellent support system like hospice is what you need. I don't think you're selfish at all for needing support; this is your father! I am a hospice RN, so I deal with these issues every day.Health Question & Answer

Hospice is scary but so is seeing a loved one die. I have worked with many people in the late stages of Alzheimer's. Alzheimers is simply not reversible. Alzheimer's deteriorates the brain to the point where it can no longer function and death takes over. Hospice people are trained and have alot of experience in caring for the terminally ill. They think of things that others would not. Many hospice centers nurses are educated about the possible needs of the dying and their family. I am not trying to be cold by saying this but dying is a part of life. Let your father go with dignity and compassion. Hospice can help provide this. also you may want to go to a Alzheimer's support group. They are often a great help to family members.Health Question & Answer

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