POISON IVY OOZIN, how does it stop?!?!?!?!

Question: POISON IVY OOZIN, how does it stop.?!.?!.?!.?
ok so i got poison ivy and i bought the following items T.N Dickonson's WITCH HAZEL, CVS poison ivy cleansing scrub, and kroger clear anti itch lotion, they all do wonders with itch relief. THE ONLY PROBLEM IS IT KEEPS OOZING ALOT 24/7 and i have to put a towel down and clean it every 10 minutes. i'm thinking i must be losing alot of body fluid by now. please helpHealth Question & Answer

Im from South Georgia so i deal with this situation Alot. First things first, stop with all those bullshit meds you got and go out and buy you some IVY-DRY it stops itching, and oozing, and basically dries the rash up within a couple of days. Another thing this liquid coming out is what spreads the rash, keep that stuff off your body of your going to get it everywhere. wrap it up in some gauze of something. dont clean it so much. Touching the raze to much is what causes the oozing in the first place. Hope this helps. let me know if you need any other info. Health Question & Answer

Calamine Lotion will dry it up. It comes in pink or clear. Take about 3-4 days usually.Health Question & Answer

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